
  • 革命军中马前卒

    类型:传记片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:伊明   编剧:叶元

    主演:张育年, 顾也鲁, 冯奇, 吴文伦, 齐剑秋, 张嬿, 戈沙, 谭增卫


  • 季风


    导演:宁才   编剧:宁才

    主演:宁才, 娜仁花

      你不想去的地方, 不可能把你驮去, 但你想去的地方, 就必须得驮。所以, 在今天看来, 已经不是蒙古人的理想, 而是实现理想的工具。”

  • 拉松的“黑介”

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:郭容非   编剧:



  • 赛克里的


    导演:凤凰文化   编剧:凤凰文化

    主演:李银河, 刘达临, 胡涛


  • 里布高 Malibu High

    类型:剧情片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:Irvin Berwick   编剧:John Buckley (story), Tom Singer (writer)

    主演:Jill Lansing ... Kim Bentley, Stuart Taylor ... Kevin, Katie Johnson ... Lucy, Phyllis Benson ... Mrs. Bentley, .................

      When a high school senior is dumped by her boyfriend, her grades fall drastically...to avoid failing, she begins seducing her male teachers. Thus begins her downward spiral into drug addiction and prostitution, and ultimately assassinations for a kingpin mob boss

  • 国兵俑 China's Ghost Army


    导演:   编剧:



  • 其外,天降其

    类型:爱情片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:刘公子   编剧:肖茹, 肖丹

    主演:林泽辉, 杜珺, 栾小钧, 陶烨超, 万倩倩


  • 南宋猎人之匹


    导演:杨建武   编剧:于峰, 刘猛

    主演:言杰, 王曦, 释小虎, 刘芷汐, 王子行, 曹宇, 刘晴, 王欢, 范雨林


  • 奇斯特在地狱 Maciste all'inferno

    类型:恐怖片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:Guido Brignone   编剧:Riccardo Artuffo

    主演:巴托罗密欧·帕迦诺, Elena Sangro, Lucia Zanussi, Franz Sala, Umberto Guarracino, Mario Saio, Pauline Polaire, Domenico Serra

      This epic was the last in a series of silent sword ‘n sandal spectaculars starring former Genovese dockworker and aging hunk Bartolomeo Pagano. This homely stud spends half the film in a heavy woolen suit, looking more than a dimwitted butcher than a bodybuilder. Fortunately, true to the title, he does go to hell, where he’s assaulted by demons, propositioned by seminude demone...

  • 丁路德金在国 Bringing King to China


    导演:Kevin McKiernan   编剧:Kevin McKiernan


      Bringing King to China is the bittersweet story of Caitrin, a young American teacher in Beijing, whose failed protests against the Iraq war drive her to produce a play in China about Martin Luther King, Jr. Early in the film she mistakenly learns that her father (the filmmaker) has been killed by a suicide bomber in Iraq. Vowing to show the world 'the positive face of America",...