
  • 严肃游戏3:沉浸 Ernste Spiele III: Immersion

    类型:动画, 纪录片, 战争

    导演:哈伦·法罗基   编剧:


      “Immersion” shows a variation of the same training program. In this case it is recreating the traumatic experiences of soldiers during the war for therapeutic purposes. The soldiers are being trained and rehabilitated through virtual reality recalling their memories. Immersion was flmed in Fort Louis, near Seattle, during a treatment of PTSD.

  • 但丁不只是严肃的 Dante no es únicamente severo


    导演:Jacinto Esteva, Joaquim Jordà   编剧:

    主演:Enrique Irazoqui

      Surrealism in Barcelona! "Dante no es únicamente severo" ("Dante is not only rigorous") is the manifesto film of "La escuela de Barcelona" ("Barcelona's Film School"). There is no plot, the movie is just one story after another that a woman is telling to her lover, like a modern Sherezade. There's experiments with the light, the colors, the sound forwards and backwards. Stories...

  • 严肃游戏4:无影日光 Ernste Spiele IV: Eine Sonne ohne Schatten

    类型:纪录片, 短片

    导演:哈伦·法罗基   编剧:哈伦·法罗基, Matthias Rajmann


      In this fourth of a four part series, media artist Harun Farocki explores the interplay between modern warfare and electronic media using computer simulation and documentary footage. Originally presented as a simultaneous four-screen gallery video installation, the separate films are available exclusively on realeyz.tv.
      Director's Notes to part IV:
      “This chapter considers the h...

  • 严肃脸 第一季 gameface Season 1


    导演:Andrew Chaplin   编剧:Roisin Conaty, 戴米恩·莫隆尼

    主演:Roisin Conaty, 达斯汀·德姆瑞·伯恩斯, 戴米恩·莫隆尼, 妮娜图森特怀特, Karl Theobald

      Marcella is an aspiring actress recovering from a relationship break up. Despite her optimistic attempts, and with help from her friends, therapist and driving instructor, she is unable to get her life back on track.

  • 严肃的男人 A Serious Man


    导演:伊桑·科恩, 乔尔·科恩   编剧:乔尔·科恩, 伊桑·科恩

    主演:迈克尔·斯图巴, 理查德·坎德, 弗雷德·迈拉麦德, Sari Lennick

      拉里·戈普尼克(迈克尔·斯图巴 Michael Stuhlbarg 饰)是美国明尼苏达州双城区某大学的物理教授,学校正决定是否颁发给他终身教授资格时,一位韩国学生向拉里抱怨考试评分不公,遭拒绝后则向拉里行贿。与此同时,拉里的妻子朱迪斯(莎瑞·莱尼克 Sari Lennick 饰)说她爱上了鳏夫塞·艾伯曼(弗雷德·迈拉麦德 Fred Melamed 饰),要求离婚。不仅如此,拉里的无业神经质哥哥亚瑟(理查德·坎德 Richard Kind 饰)越来越成为负担,儿子的犹太成人礼在即,女儿偷钱准备为鼻子做整容手术,而一封匿名信更是要将他的前程毁掉。焦头烂额的拉里求助于多位犹太牧师拉比,但信仰便能帮他走出困境吗?

  • 凯文·哈特:严肃式搞笑 Kevin Hart: Seriously Funny

    类型:喜剧, 脱口秀

    导演:香农·哈特曼   编剧:凯文·哈特, 哈里·拉奇福德, 乔伊·威尔斯

    主演:凯文·哈特, 基姆·德尔加多, 勒布朗·詹姆斯, 沙奎尔·奥尼尔

      “非常有趣”的明星凯文·哈特在俄亥俄州克利夫兰的观众面前现场表演 - 他在那里展现了他的搞笑和独特的喜剧风格。 在这个令人难忘的喜剧之夜,凯文还是一如既往的搞笑!

  • 丹尼尔·托什:非常严肃 Daniel Tosh: Completely Serious


    导演:Manny Rodriguez   编剧:丹尼尔·托什

    主演:Daniel Tosh

  • 绝对严肃 Совершенно серьёзно


    导演:埃利达尔·梁赞诺夫, Vladimir Semakov, Naum Trakhtenberg, Eduard Zmojro, 列昂尼德·盖代   编剧:埃米尔·布拉金斯基, Vladimir Dykhovichnyy, 列昂尼德·盖代, Ilya Ilf, William Kozlov, Boris Laskin, Yevgeni Petrov, 埃利达尔·梁赞诺夫, 莫里斯·斯洛博茨科伊

    主演:尤里·尼库林, Boris Novikov, 罗斯季斯拉夫·普利亚特, Marina Polbentseva, 阿纳托利·帕帕诺夫, 谢尔盖·菲利波夫, Serafim Anikeyev, 亚历山大·别利亚夫斯基, Tatyana Bestayeva, Georgi Georgiu, Svetlana Kharitonova, Mariya Kravchunovskaya, Valentin Kulik, Mariya Mironova, 叶甫盖尼·莫尔古诺夫

      This is a collection of five satyrical short films, including little intermision talk:
      1) "Kak Sozdavalsya Robinzon" (How Robinson was Created) - writer is comissioned to make soviet version of Robinson Cruzoe;
      2) "Istoriya s Pirozhkami" (Incident with Pastries) - customer has problems paying for pastries, because he has eaten them before getting to the counter;
      3) "Inostrantsy...

  • 严肃脸 第二季 GameFace Season 2


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Roisin Conaty, Damien Molony, Dustin Demri-Burns

      Marcella is an aspiring actress recovering from a relationship break up. Despite her optimistic attempts, and with help from her friends, therapist and driving instructor, she is unable to get her life back on track.

  • 严肃的月光 Serious Moonlight

    类型:喜剧, 爱情, 犯罪

    导演:切瑞·海恩斯   编剧:安德林妮·夏莉

    主演:梅格·瑞恩, 蒂莫西·赫顿, 贾斯汀·朗, 克里斯汀·贝尔, Derek Carter, Bill Parks, 金贝里·皮特森

      路易斯(梅格·瑞恩 Meg Ryan 饰)是一名出色的律师,为了能给刚从芝加哥归来的老公伊恩(蒂莫西·赫顿 Timothy Hutton 饰)一个惊喜,她提前一天回到位于小镇的家里。看着满地的散落的玫瑰花瓣,路易斯欣喜万分,本以为是丈夫给自己的小惊喜,却发现自己成了丈夫和小三(克里斯汀·贝尔 Kristen Bell 饰)私奔的绊脚石。路易斯并没有打算轻易放手,因为她坚信丈夫仍然深爱着自己。在失手将丈夫伊恩打昏之后,路易斯“绑架”了丈夫。路易斯首先稳住找上门来的小三,接着对丈夫展开了“软硬兼施”攻略。然而路易斯企图挽回爱情的种种方法并非奏效,丈夫被捆坐在厕所马桶上始终不为所动,直到一伙入室行窃的罪犯闯入他们的家中……