
  • 东边西边 East Side, West Side

    类型:剧情, 爱情, 犯罪

    导演:茂文·勒鲁瓦   编剧:Marcia Davenport, 伊索贝尔·伦纳特

    主演:芭芭拉·斯坦威克, 詹姆斯·梅森, 凡·赫夫林, 艾娃·加德纳, 赛德·查里斯, 南希·里根, 盖尔·桑德加德, 威廉姆·康拉德

      Beautiful Isabel, who had an affair with Brandon before he married Jessie, is back in town. Following Isabel's return to New York, Brandon is involved in a brawl from which he is saved from total social-disgrace by Rosa, a model in a shop patronized by his wife. Jessie goes to thank Rosa and finds her rushing away to the airport to meet Mark, a former east-side policeman who ha...

  • 野性威尼斯 Wild Venice


    导演:Klaus T.steindl   编剧:Klaus T.steindl


      威尼斯是观光重点,终年游人如织,不过只要稍微离开市区,威尼斯仍然保有充满野性的一面。威尼斯东边的泻湖是很多野生动物的栖息地 ,水中有海棉、海葵、鱿鱼和剃刀鱼,而泻湖周围可以发现超过60种鸟类的踪迹,河中蕴含众多生物。在威尼斯的小巷中,很多大宅的后花园是也充满了生命力,这 里是貂与爬虫类的秘密天堂,小型猛禽隼在废弃的修道院中筑巢,在附近猎食,“野性威尼斯”将让我们发现观光客看不到了另一面。