
  • 魔鬼的三根金发 Der Teufel mit den drei goldenen Haaren

    类型:喜剧, 爱情, 儿童, 奇幻, 冒险

    导演:Maria von Heland   编剧:雅各布·格林, 威廉·格林

    主演:雅酷朴·盖尔秀, 莎斯琪亚·罗森道尔, 托马斯·萨巴彻尔

      When Felix is born to commoner parents, he's foretold to be destined for all kinds of luck and happiness, including a royal bride. King Ottokar, who is obsessed with his alchemist quest for gold, hears of it, promises to raise the boy in the palace, but puts him in a basket in the stream. The blacksmith and his infertile wife raise the foundling as their own. When Ottokar reali...

  • 魔鬼的三根金发 Der Teufel mit den drei goldenen Haaren


    导演:Hans-Günther Bücking   编剧:Bettina Janis

    主演:Béla Baptiste, Ina-Alice Kopp, Leonard Lansink

      By the Brothers Grimm fairy tale.
      King of Svyatoslav predicted that his daughter will marry someone who was born the same night as the princess, and this will be the son of a poor ugolschika.Ne liked this burden to the king, and he ordered to kill the boy. But the kid was the protector of the Sun King, who is sure that the guy deserves to become the husband of Princess.

  • 三根羽毛 Die drei Federn

    类型:家庭, 奇幻

    导演:Su Turhan   编剧:雅各布·格林, 威廉·格林, Su Turhan

    主演:斯凯·杜·蒙特, 雅尼克·许曼, Michael Schönborn

      Petty ruling prince Gundolf decides to abdicate and promises his crown to the son among his three who can bring him the land's finest carpet, following the wind blowing for each a feather from a stuffed hunting trophy. The ambitious eldest, Gerhard, and the lazy second-born glutton Gebhard, who struck a deal to help him and be allowed to continue his parasitical lifestyle, chea...

  • 阿里巴巴三根金发

    类型:喜剧, 动画, 冒险

    导演:蒋叶峰   编剧:刘飞


      被封印的魔王再度苏醒,强盗法鲁格得知小芝麻是彻底解除封印的关键后派出手下四处搜寻,小芝麻能否逃过一劫? 为了帮助好朋友,冒险归来的阿里巴巴再度踏上了冒险的旅程,阴云笼罩着大地,此次在前方等待他的将会是什么?

  • 布基兰


    导演:安兴伟   编剧:迟子建

    主演:王宇, 刘兴盛, 娜仁其木格, 乌兰其其格, 丁建钧, 周娜拉, 袁宇龙

      布基兰小镇的伐木工人刘志(丁建均 饰)因偷窃被警察老刘抓获,但好心的老刘(王宇 饰)看到刘志贫困的家不但没逮他还送了米和油,刘志心生愧疚,剁下自己三根手指,老刘找人帮他接了手指又因感染小镇不能医治,想尽快送他去大医院,但小站因为火车提速快车不停,当大家都在为快车不能停而担心的时候,快车在车站却意外停了下来……而整个故事都是在腊八夜的当晚发生。不同人物命运的交织让故事情暖人间。

  • 天降神运


    导演:陈卓   编剧:

    主演:曾俊雄, 刘禹希, 谢家毅

      28岁的主人公,一直以来霉运不断 工作上兄弟的背叛,生活中房贷和信用卡还款的压力,女友的期盼,这一切让他的生活一度陷入绝望。此时出现了三根香,主人公是否能够逆转人生,获得好远呢?故事由此展开。