
  • 养家之人 The Breadwinner

    类型:剧情, 动画, 家庭

    导演:诺拉·托梅   编剧:安妮塔·多兰, 黛博拉·伊莉丝

    主演:雷扎·索勒, 莎拉·乔德利, 索玛·查亚, 诺林·古拉姆高斯, 拉腊·萨迪克, 阿里·巴德沙阿, 莎斯塔·拉蒂夫, 坎扎·费里斯, 卡瓦·阿达, 凯恩·马洪, 阿里·卡兹米, 曼·沃尔克哈德

      塔利班残酷统治下的阿富汗,平民百姓尤其是女性过着水深火热犹如地狱一般的生活。倔强的小女孩帕瓦娜(莎拉·乔德利 Saara Chaudry 配音)随父亲(Ali Rizvi Badshah 配音)外出挣钱养家,不仅目睹了父亲被昔日的学生辱骂羞辱,更和家人目击了父亲遭到非法逮捕的一幕。家中有病弱的母亲、成年的姐姐以及嗷嗷待哺的弟弟,年幼的帕瓦娜只能剪去秀发,伪装成男孩走出家门,踏上生死未卜的养家之路。在此过程中,她遇到了同样扮成男孩的昔日伙伴,也与一名沉默魁梧的塔利班分子成为朋友。当战争的阴影再度逼近时,帕瓦娜想方设法要找到下落不明的父亲,将他带回家中……

  • 为了那些没有故事的人 Za one koji ne mogu da govore


    导演:亚斯米拉·日巴尼奇   编剧:亚斯米拉·日巴尼奇


      An Australian tourist discovers the silent legacy of wartime atrocities when she arrives in a seemingly idyllic little town on the border of Bosnia and Serbia. From Jasmila Zbanic, director of the Golden Bear winner Grbavica.

  • 快手甜品大赛 第一季 Sugar Rush Season 1

    类型:纪录片, 真人秀

    导演:   编剧:


      A baking competition with 4 teams, 3 rounds, 2 cakes and 1 winner of $10,000.

  • 关机


    导演:郭昊明, 陈希   编剧:顾蕾, 朱展陟

    主演:何杜娟, 刘岳, 张颂文


  • 下一球成名 Next Goal Wins

    类型:纪录片, 运动

    导演:Mike Brett, Steve Jamison   编剧:

    主演:Thomas Rongen, Jaiyah Saelua, Nicky Salapu, Gene Ne'emia, Larry Mana'o, Rawlston Masaniai, Charles Uhrle

      The power of hope in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds, and an object lesson in what it really means to be a winner in life.

  • 双生谜 Tin & Tina

    类型:悬疑, 惊悚, 恐怖

    导演:Rubin Stein   编剧:Rubin Stein

    主演:Cristina Pérez Nollet, Isabel Ramírez Vázquez, Óscar Hidalgo González-Quevedo, Javier Galloso Rodríguez, 米莱娜·斯米特, 海因米·洛伦特, Carlos González Morollón, Anastasia Russo, Teresa Rabal, Sergio Ramos, Joserra Leza, Luis Perezagua, Antonio Figueredo Manrique, Chelo Vivares, 鲁丝·加布瑞尔

      The movie is based on the suspense short film nominated for the Golden Méliès to the Best European Fantastic Short Film, winner of more than 30 awards and screened by more than 200 film festivals. It was defined by the critics as "a cult short film".

  • 五个世界 Cinque mondi


    导演:Giancarlo Soldi   编剧:Giancarlo Soldi, Marco Lodoli

    主演:罗伯托·贝尼尼, 贝纳尔多·贝托鲁奇, 加布里埃莱·萨尔瓦托雷斯, 保罗·索伦蒂诺, 朱塞佩·托纳多雷

      The 5 Italian Oscar winner directors tell how they are involved in the art of cinematography. They open their memories treasure to the public and make us understanding their imaginary

  • 荒野独居 第一季 Alone Season 1

    类型:纪录片, 真人秀

    导演:   编剧:


      10 survival "experts" attempt to survive alone. The winner receives $500,000.

  • 血腥之旅2 Fangoria: Blood Drive II


    导演:Adam Barnick, Erik A. Candiani   编剧:Adam Barnick, Erik A. Candiani

    主演:霍华德·伯杰, 布鲁斯·坎贝尔, 格里高利·尼克特洛, Juliya Chernetsky

      Short film collection bringing together the winners of the Blood Drive film contest hosted by

  • 剑桥脚灯社时事讽刺剧 Cambridge Footlights Revue


    导演:John Kilby   编剧:Penny Dwyer

    主演:Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie, Emma Thompson

      A TV version of the Cambridge Footlights Revue "The Cellar Tapes", winner of the first-ever Perrier Award at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 1981.

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