
  • Drive In Holy Motors


    导演:特莎·路易斯-萨洛梅   编剧:

    主演:莱奥·卡拉克斯, 德尼·拉旺, 伊娃·门德斯, 凯莉·米洛, 爱迪丝·斯考博, 卡罗利娜·尚珀蒂埃

      DRIVE IN Holy Motors sketches the portrait of a discreet artist, all of whose films marked their era and will continue to deliver their aesthetic and visionary wealth.

  • 罗斯柴尔德 Rothchild

    类型:剧情, 喜剧

    导演:Angus Wall   编剧:John Patton Ford

    主演:Logan Lerman

      A young man hatches a murderous plot to inherit his family's wealth.

  • 钱途似锦 Windfall

    类型:剧情, 喜剧, 爱情

    导演:Laurie McCarthy, Gwendolyn M. Parker   编剧:

    主演:D·J·科特罗纳, 乔恩·福斯特, 杰森·杰德里克, 爱丽丝·格蕾岑, 拉娜·帕瑞娅, 卢克·贝里, 莎拉·温特, 艾玛·普莱斯科特

      Twenty friends share in a multimillion-dollar lottery jackpot, only to experience the problems of instant wealth.