
  • 声不在高 À voix haute


    导演:Stéphane de Freitas, 拉吉·利   编剧:Stéphane de Freitas

    主演:Souleila Mahiddin, Eddy Moniot, Bertrand Périer, 埃德瓦·贝耶, 莱拉·贝蒂, Loubaki Loussalat

      每年在巴黎郊区的圣丹尼斯大学(l’Université de Saint-Denis)都会举行一场雄辩演讲比赛(Eloquentia)。比赛决出参与四十天演讲训练项目的学生中的最佳演讲者。《说!》跟随这些来自不同家庭、背景和学术领域的学生,讲述了他们从参与训练到最终比赛的故事。

  • 他人的声音 La voix des autres

    类型:剧情, 短片

    导演:Fatima Kaci   编剧:


      Rim is a Tunisian interpreter working in France on asylum procedures. Every day, she translates the stories of exiled men and women, whose voices raise questions about her own history.

  • Discussions animees entre entendeurs de voix


    导演:Tristan Thil   编剧:


      Instead of the term schizophrenic, they prefer the term voice hearer. Twice a month, they meet around Virginia. She has created and animated a discussion group for people suffering from this illness, considered incurable and whose name alone embodies all the fantasies of madness. With her, they tell their lives with voices in their heads.