
  • 河中女孩:宽恕的代价 A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness

    类型:纪录片, 短片

    导演:莎梅·奥贝德-奇诺伊   编剧:

    主演:Asad Jamal, Saba

      More than a 1000 women are killed in the name of 'honor' in Pakistan every year. A Girl in the River: The price of forgiveness follows the story of a rare survivor who falls in love and lives to tell the tale.

  • 血腥的宽恕 The Forgiveness of Blood


    导演:乔舒亚·马斯顿   编剧:乔舒亚·马斯顿

    主演:Tristan Halilaj, Refet Abazi, Refet Abazi

      17岁的尼克(崔斯坦·哈利拉吉 Tristan Halilaj 饰)居住在阿尔巴尼亚的北部地区。马上就要高中毕业了,准备拿到毕业证开个小网吧维持生计。15岁的妹妹露迪娜希望能考进大学过上梦想的生活。但这个平凡的家庭却因为卷入土地所有权的争执而变得焦头烂额,父亲被谋杀罪起诉躲进了深山。根据古老习俗,如果家人杀了人,那么受害者的家庭可以同样杀死一个杀人犯的男性亲属。因此家中所有的男性都不允许离开家半步。整个家庭的重担都落在了露迪娜的肩上。她被迫离开学校工作养家。新的责任让露迪娜逐渐成长为一名能够独当一面的能手。尼克却因为长期的“离群索居”的生活而变得沮丧和焦躁不安。最终,这种负面的情绪让他决定用血为家族间的斗争做一个了解——哪怕这个决定回让他丢掉自己的性命,也在所不惜......

  • 可爱的费城 Dear Philadelphia

    类型:纪录片, 短片

    导演:Renee Osubu   编剧:


      With the help of their family, friends, and faith, three fathers unravel the incomparable partnership of forgiveness and community in North Philadelphia.

  • 月出 Moonrise


    导演:Vickie Bronaugh   编剧:Vickie Bronaugh, 马克·克拉默

    主演:索尼娅·巴摩斯, 小詹姆斯·希利, 休斯顿·瑞恩斯

      After country singer Will Brown's wife passes away, his grief sidelines his career and pushes him away from his young daughter until a bright and talented horse trainer shows him strength, forgiveness and grace to live life again.

  • 奎师那与伊人 Krishna And His Leela

    类型:喜剧, 爱情

    导演:Ravikanth Perepu   编剧:Ravikanth Perepu, Sidhu Jonnalagadda

    主演:Sidhu Jonnalagadda, Shraddha Srinath, Seerat Kapoor

      Torn between his past and present girlfriends, a confused bachelor's indecisiveness spins a web of lies and cheating as he struggles to commit.

  • 二百周年纪念 Bicentenario

    类型:纪录片, 短片

    导演:Pablo Alvarez Mesa   编剧:


      Grounded on elusiveness of time and the mythology of time travel, Chrononauts cinematically reflects on the malleable nature of time to reveal its concrete personal, social and political implications across cultures.

  • 庇护季 Sheltering Season

    类型:剧情, 惊悚

    导演:布拉德利·斯泰克尔   编剧:布拉德利·斯泰克尔

    主演:塔莫·潘尼凯, 郑启蕙, 阿莱克斯·潘诺维奇

      A woman finds herself isolated in her remote home with her brother who is seeking forgiveness for the darkest moment in their family history.

  • 布拉格来信 Surat dari Praha


    导演:Angga Dwimas Sasongko   编剧:Mohammad Irfan Ramly

    主演:朱莉·埃斯特尔, 蒂奥·帕库苏德沃

      Tells us about a girl named Larasati, trying to fulfill her deceased mother's last wish to deliver a box filled with letters from her past to an old guy lived in Prague. A story about forgiveness, tying loose end and bond.

  • 2nd Chance


    导演:拉敏·巴哈尼   编剧:拉敏·巴哈尼


      A documentary chronicling the life of Richard Davis, the man who invented the concealable bulletproof vest - shooting himself over 200 times in the course of his career to prove the effectiveness of his vests.

  • 孽海枭雄 Knock on Any Door

    类型:剧情, 犯罪, 黑色电影

    导演:尼古拉斯·雷   编剧:丹尼尔·塔拉达什, 小约翰·蒙克斯, Willard Motley

    主演:Jack Jahries, Ray Johnson, Donald Kerr, Paul Kreibich, 杜威·马丁, 希德·梅尔顿, Eda Reiss Merin, 约翰·米彻姆, Philip Morris, Helen Mowery, Richard Bartell, Garry Owen, 保罗·巴克斯里, Netta Packer, Joan Baxter, 乔·帕尔马, 埃迪·博登, Eddie Parker, Hazel Boyne, 比拉·帕金顿, 阿亨蒂娜·布鲁内蒂, 杰克佩里, 乔治·钱德勒, Chuck Colean, 詹姆斯·科纳蒂, 切斯特·康克林, 亨弗莱·鲍嘉, 约翰·德里克, 乔治·麦克雷迪, 艾琳·罗伯茨, Candy Toxton, 米基·诺克斯, 巴里·凯利, 弗洛伦丝·奥尔, 文斯·巴尼特, Theda Barr, 李·费尔普斯, Rose Plumer, Ed Randolph, Davis Roberts, Jimmy Conlin, Franz Roehn, Connie Conrad, Mabel Smaney, 柯特·康韦, 豪泽利·史蒂文森, 卡萝尔·库姆斯, Brick Sullivan, 安妮·康尼瓦尔, 查尔斯·沙利文, Homer Dickenson, Sid Tomack, Dudley Dickerson, 乔·多尔蒂, Mary Emery, 富兰克林·法纳姆, Dorothy Vernon, Peter Virgo, Ralph Volkie, 皮埃尔·沃特金斯, Al Ferguson, Blackie Whiteford, 萨姆·弗林特, 卡拉·威廉姆斯, Jody Gilbert, 杜利·威尔逊, Sol Gorss, 哈里·威尔逊, William Haade, 杰夫约克, 弗兰克·哈格尼, Betty Hall, Joy Hallward, 罗伯塔·海恩斯, 迈伦·希里, George Hickman, 艾尔·希尔, Wesley Hopper, 约翰·因德里萨诺

      An attorney defends a hoodlum of murder, using the oppressiveness of the slums to appeal to the court.