
  • 理工学院 Polytechnique

    类型:剧情, 历史, 犯罪

    导演:丹尼斯·维伦纽瓦   编剧:雅克·大卫

    主演:卡琳·瓦纳斯, Nathalie Girard, 塞巴斯蒂安·于贝尔多

      1989年12月6日,加拿大东南部港口城市蒙特利尔为白雪所覆盖,肃杀阴冷的气候仿佛预示着一场悲剧即将降临。面目清秀却布满阴翳的青年(马克西姆·戈德特 Maxim Gaudette 饰),驾驶汽车来到魁北克理工学院。校园内,青年男女自由交谈,畅想未来,殊不知死神的脚步正在迫近。青年拎着枪走入校园,他将愤恨的子弹射向那些所谓的女权主义者。白雪为鲜血染红,霎那即为永恒……

  • 鸟套 Pashi

    类型:剧情, 同性

    导演:西达尔特·肖汉   编剧:西达尔特·肖汉

    主演:Chetan Kanwar, John Negi, Kamayani Bisht

      A young boy learns about a technique of trapping birds (Pashi) from his old grandmother and begins to practice it.

  • 电影之声 Sound of Cinema: The Music that Made the Movies


    导演:   编剧:Neil Brand

    主演:Neil Brand, Bernard Herrmann, Max Steiner, Erich Wolfgang Korngold, Vangelis, 米克罗斯·罗兹萨, Hans Zimmer, John Barry, John Williams

      Series celebrating the art of the cinema soundtrack, as Neil Brand explores the work of the great movie composers and demonstrates their techniques.

  • 意面百态 第一季 The Shape of Pasta Season 1


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Evan Funke

      Chef Evan Funke, a "perpetual student of handmade pasta," scours Italy for the supreme pasta masters. Funke will seek out rare and unique pasta shapes and techniques in an effort to keep these traditions alive.

  • 伪记录起源 The Found Footage Phenomenon


    导演:Sarah Appleton, Phillip Escott   编剧:Sarah Appleton, Phillip Escott

    主演:Doron Paz, Yoav Paz, 理查德·拉帕索尔斯, 朱利安·理查德, 艾德亚多·桑奇兹, 安德烈·艾弗道夫, 白石晃士, Dean Alioto, Stefan Avalos, 詹姆斯·库伦·布雷萨克, 帕特里克·布莱斯, Aislinn Clarke, Steven DeGennaro, 鲁杰罗·德奥达托, 迈克尔·戈伊, Alexandra Heller-Nicholas, 德里克·李, Lesley Manning

      The Found Footage Phenomenon is an independent documentary charting the origins of the found footage sub-genre, tracking it through to the technique's current form and asks what the future is.

  • 真假法医学 第一季 Exhibit A Season 1

    类型:纪录片, 犯罪

    导演:   编剧:


      This true crime series shows how innocent people have been convicted with dubious forensic techniques and tools such as touch DNA and cadaver dogs.

  • 舞蹈家的世界 A Dancer's World

    类型:纪录片, 音乐

    导演:Peter Glushanok   编剧:玛莎·葛莱姆, LeRoy Leatherman

    主演:玛莎·葛莱姆, Robert Cohan, Mary Hinkson, Helen McGehee, Bertram Ross, Ethel Winter, Yuriko

      Dancer, Choreographer, and Teacher Martha Graham offers insight into her theories about dance while the members of her world famous troupe display a number of their dance techniques in performance.

  • 绘画课2 Drawing Lesson #2

    类型:喜剧, 动画, 短片

    导演:比尔·普莱姆顿   编剧:比尔·普莱姆顿


      Bill Plympton's first use of live-action with animation, this quirky story is about an ill-fated romance between a drawing line and his model, using a rare technique of drawing the animation under the camera as a unique way to tell a story.

  • 吉尔莫·德尔·托罗的匹诺曹:幕后匠人 Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio: Handcarved Cinema

    类型:纪录片, 短片

    导演:吉尔莫·德尔·托罗   编剧:


      Behind the scenes discussion of animation techniques and the making of Pinocchio.

  • 童男日记 Benjamin ou Les mémoires d'un puceau


    导演:米歇尔·德维尔   编剧:米歇尔·德维尔, 尼娜·康萍兹

    主演:凯瑟琳·德纳芙, 皮埃尔·克里蒙地, 米歇尔·摩根, 米歇尔·皮科利

      Young innocent aristocrat Benjamin comes to live with his Countess aunt. Her lover teaches him the techniques of seduction and sends him to test them, first on the maids, then on the upper class Anne and finally on the countess herself.

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