
  • 致电出租车太太 Chiamate 6969: taxi per signora


    导演:Mario Bianchi   编剧:Mario Bianchi, Luigi Petrini

    主演:Enzo Andronico, 玛丽娜·海德曼, Guia Lauri Filzi, Marcella Petrelli, Mark Shannon

  • 一辆淡紫色出租车 Un taxi mauve


    导演:伊夫·布瓦塞   编剧:Yves Boisset, Anne Dutter, Georges Dutter, Michel Déon

    主演:Loan Do Huu, Brendon Doyle, Michael Duffy, Derek Lord, 夏洛特·兰普林, 菲利普·努瓦雷, 彼得·乌斯蒂诺夫, 弗雷德·阿斯泰尔, 爱德华·艾伯特, 艾格斯蒂娜·贝利, 杰克·沃森, Mairin D. O'Sullivan, 大卫·凯利, Niall Buggy, May Cluskey

      With his mauve taxi, the old philosopher Dr. Seamus Scully (Fred Astaire) runs around the small green roads of the south of Ireland, becoming confident of his patients, while trying to help them find their way.

  • 托布鲁克的出租车 Un taxi pour Tobrouk

    类型:剧情, 战争

    导演:德尼·德拉帕特利埃   编剧:米歇尔·奥迪亚, 勒内·阿瓦尔, 德尼·德拉帕特利埃

    主演:哈迪·克鲁格, 利诺·文图拉, 莫里斯·比罗

  • 你好出租车 Halo taxi


    导演:维拉斯蒂莫尔·拉多凡诺维奇   编剧:维拉斯蒂莫尔·拉多凡诺维奇


      舒盖尔(韦利米尔·巴塔·日沃伊诺维奇 Velimir 'Bata' Zivojinovic 饰)是一名平凡的出租车司机,过着早出晚归的繁忙生活,一天,舒盖尔发现妻子拉伊塔鬼鬼祟祟,于是跟踪他,震惊的发现了她和她的情人幽会的样子。愤怒的舒盖尔暴打了那个男人,并且选择离开了拉伊塔。
      谁知道,拉伊塔的情夫不是别人,正是当地臭名昭著的毒贩比德马克(Irfan Mensur 饰),比德马克哪里受得了这样的羞辱,找来自己的马仔将舒盖尔揍进了医院。沃启科是一名便衣警察,他暗中调查比德马克已久,苦于找不到证据,无法将他绳之以法。沃启科找到了住院的舒盖尔,想要和他合作,把比德马克拿下。

  • 女出租车司机 Cô lái taxi


    导演:张勇   编剧:

    主演:陈越贞, 阮黄

  • 夜惊:死亡出租车 야경:죽음의 택시

    类型:悬疑, 惊悚, 恐怖

    导演:吴仁川   编剧:吴仁川

    主演:주민하, 정보름, 정성훈

      The motive of NIGHTSCAPE is a TAXI SERIAL KILLER in South Korea from 2004 to 2010. The killer in known as brutal crime, such as keeping the body in the taxi trunk. NIGHTSCAPE shows two faces of ordinary and cruelness the city through an actual crime.

  • 玻璃之地 Glassland


    导演:杰拉德·巴瑞特   编剧:杰拉德·巴瑞特

    主演:Laura Byrne, Kian Murphy, Ashley Xie, Darine Ní Dhonnchadha, 威尔·保尔特, 托妮·科莱特, 杰克·莱诺, 迈克尔·史麦利, Joe Mullins, Gary Ó'Nualláin, Melissa Maria Carton, Shashi Rami, Jack Barrett, Graham Earley, D.J. McGrath

      Set in Dublin Glassland tells the story of a young taxi driver (Reynor) who gets tangled up in the world of human trafficking while trying to save his mother (Collette) from addiction.

  • 今天 امروز


    导演:赛义德·雷扎·米尔-卡里米   编剧:赛义德·雷扎·米尔-卡里米, Shadmehr Rastin

    主演:Soheila Golestani, Roozbeh Hesari, Ashkan Jenabi

      In this delicate, deceptively small-scale drama from award-winning Iranian director Reza Mirkarimi, Youness, an ageing taxi driver, takes a young woman to a hospital at the end of his working day not knowing what awaits him there.

  • 一代枪王续集 È tornato Sabata... hai chiuso un'altra volta!


    导演:吉安弗兰科·帕洛里尼   编剧:Renato Izzo

    主演:李·范·克里夫, 莱纳·顺纳, Giampiero Albertini, Ignazio Spalla, 安娜贝拉·英孔特雷拉, Jacqueline Alexandre

      Master gunslinger Sabata arrives in Hobsonville, a town completely owned by McIntock, a robber baron who is taxing the inhabitants for the cost of future improvements to the town...

  • 乘客 Passenger


    导演:Isobel Knowles, Van Sowerwine   编剧:

    主演:Sami Shah

      You are sitting in the back of a taxi, driving in the dark. As the landscape begins to change, the outside environment becomes increasingly surreal.

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