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    导演:佐藤卓哉, 樱美胜志, 后藤圭二, 佐山圣子, 则座诚, 桥本敏一, 小野田雄亮, 吉田理纱子, 山崎隆   编剧:冈田麿里, 根元岁三, 鸭志田一

    主演:长妻树里, 石谷春贵, 久保田民绘, 小林裕介, 能登麻美子, 高桥未奈美, 饭田友子, 日高里菜, 种田梨沙, 加隈亚衣, 久野美咲, 濑户麻沙美, 钉宫理惠, 佐仓绫音, 茅野爱衣, 赤崎千夏, 杜野真子, 新井里美, 川澄绫子, 樱井浩美

      小奏露子(加隈亚衣 配音)是一位个性十分普通的女子初中生,个性有些害羞和软弱的她来到了新的城市入读了新的学校,正在为自己能否交到朋友而苦恼着。哥哥小凑步(石谷春贵 配音)发现了妹妹的困扰,于是将名为“WIXOSS”的卡牌给了妹妹,希望妹妹能够通过游戏来收获友谊。
      让露子没有想到的是,当她拿出了主牌“LRIG卡片”时,卡片上的立绘少女小玉(久野美咲 配音)竟然来到了现实之中,不仅如此,露子的同班同学红林游月(川澄绫子 配音)还向露子提出了对战的请求。原来,在LRIG卡片的拥有着之间,存在着旷日持久的战争,最终胜利的人,就能够成为传说中的梦限少女。

  • Express


    导演:加贝·伊班内兹, Iñaki Peñafiel   编剧:


      Follows criminal psychologist Bárbara and her family after she becomes the victim of one of the newest, virally spreading forms of violent crime, the express kidnappings.

  • 下次的火 The Fire Next Time

    类型:动画, 恐怖, 短片

    导演:Renaldho Pelle   编剧:Kerry Jade Kolbe


      Rioting spreads as social inequality causes tempers in a struggling community to flare, but the oppressive environment takes on a life of its own as the shadows of the housing estate close in.

  • 生殖细胞 The Spore


    导演:D.M. Cunningham   编剧:D.M. Cunningham

    主演:Haley Heslip, Jeannie Jefferies, Jackson Ezinga, Jovonnah Nicholson, Peter Tell, Justin Golinsky

      The lives of ten strangers intersect through a terrifying chain of events as a mutating fungus begins to spread through a small town wiping out everyone that comes into contact with it.by:www.yuanji.cc

  • 动物僵尸2 Zoombies 2


    导演:Glenn Miller   编剧:Jarrid Masse

    主演:Jonathon Buckley, Jarrid Masse

      A game ranger arresting poachers ends up saving their lives when zombie animals attack them in the jungle. Now surrounded, the game ranger and poachers forge uneasy alliance to stop the beasts before the super-zombie virus spreads to entire world.

  • 信任 The Reliant


    导演:Paul Munger   编剧:J.P. Johnston

    主演:Denise Morris, Jim E. Chandler, Marisa Lynae Hampton, Josh Murray, Ian Lauer, Nicole C. Mullen, 埃里克·罗伯茨, 凯文·索伯, 布莱恩·伯茨沃斯, 莫里·格雷, 泰勒·桑德斯, 凯文·韦恩, 布莱恩·法里戴, Ryan Buggle, Jenn Gotzon, Julia Denton, McKenna Bintz

      The collapse of the dollar precipitates widespread rioting and social unrest across the nation, leaving a lovesick girl struggling to care for her siblings in a stretch of woods bordered by lawless anarchy, wondering why a good God would let this happen.

  • 埃及秘辛 Mysteries of Egypt

    类型:剧情, 纪录片, 家庭

    导演:Bruce Neibaur   编剧:Bruce Neibaur

    主演:Omar Sharif, Kate Maberly

      Egypt is and ever was a place of mystery. Many rumors spread around the great Pyramids of Gizeh (the only one of the seven wonders of the world left)...

  • 欢迎来到杀人学校 F


    导演:Johannes Roberts   编剧:约翰内斯·罗伯茨

    主演:David Schofield, Eliza Bennett, Ruth Gemmell

      当学校遭到袭击时,一位愤世嫉俗的英文老师不得不面对他可怕的恶魔们…… A world-weary English teacher has to face his most terrifying demons when his comprehensive school comes under attack from a group of youths intent on spreading terror through-out the corridors.

  • 女人至上 第一季 Up the Women Season 1


    导演:克里斯汀·杰农   编剧:杰西卡·海因斯

    主演:杰西卡·海因斯, 丽贝卡·弗朗特, Adrian Scarborough

      A group of Suffragists band together to spread the word; but they need to learn their own lessons first.

  • Sargad


    导演:Andres R. Ramos   编剧:Sarah Giercksky

    主演:Xander Turian, Sarah Giercksky, Krister Twizz Forsberg, Fanny Hedenberg, Oscar Rusanen, Alicia Henriksson, Birgitta Nord

      Sargad is about a young woman, Elina, that drives to a cabin with her mom and younger sister to spread her dad's ashes. They encounter three brothers that will make their weekend a living hell.

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