
  • 睡着的熊 Bearly Asleep

    类型:喜剧, 动画, 短片, 家庭

    导演:Jack Hannah   编剧:Al Bertino, 大卫·德蒂奇

    主演:James MacDonald, 克拉伦斯·纳什

      Park ranger Donald sends his bears off to hibernate, but Humphrey would rather stay in his hammock, run out for a glass of water, etc., than sleep; when he does get to sleep, his snoring gets him thrown out. His search for a new bed leads him right into the ranger's house.

  • 女孩睡着了 Girl Asleep


    导演:Rosemary Myers   编剧:马修·惠德特

    主演:Lucy Cowan, Pia Moutakis, Clara Moutakis, Ed Covill, 贝塔尼·维特莫尔, Harrison Feldman, Amber McMahon, 马修·惠德特, 埃蒙·法伦, 蒂尔达·格哈姆-哈维, Imogen Archer, Maiah Stewardson, Fiona Dawson, Grace Dawson, 丹妮艾尔·卡坦扎利蒂

      女孩葛莉达刚与家人搬到新城市,换了新学校,开始交新朋友。但这一切并不容易,周围突然冒出的挑战往往让她手足无措,笨拙别扭。十五岁生日的到来意味著她即将告别童年,迎向未知新阶段,就在她抗拒又困惑之际,屋后一座神秘鬼魅的森林却向她招手,引她进入奇幻的成长旅程。 伴随着初萌的少女情欲与生活中的暴力成分,《女孩睡着了》以女主角葛莉达清新风趣的视角,带着观众一起在酸甜的少女情怀中找到成人世界已遗忘的纯真可能。

  • 狂躁的梦 sleep furiously


    导演:Gideon Koppel   编剧:



  • 床战四方十规则 10 rules for sleeping around

    类型:剧情, 喜剧, 爱情

    导演:莱斯利·格雷夫   编剧:

    主演:塔姆茵·瑟斯沃克, 温迪·麦丽登·康薇, 维吉尼亚·威廉姆斯, 杰西·布拉德福特, 克里斯·马奎特, 迈克尔·麦基恩, 里德·尤因

      A screw ball sex comedy following two couples and their ten rules to a happy healthy and open relationship.

  • 新星:什么是梦 NOVA: What Are Dreams

    类型:纪录片, 传记

    导演:Charles Colville, Sarah Holt   编剧:

    主演:Deirdre Barrett, Tina Cursley, Tom Cursley

      Leading dream researchers demonstrate the extraordinary equipment they use to investigate the world of sleep, including human narcoleptics, sleepwalking cats, recurrent nightmares, and people who claim to be unable to dream.

  • 消失在北方的岩石


    导演:沈蕊兰   编剧:沈蕊兰

    主演:邓梦怡, 李瑞

      An old lady in deep sleep, back in time, dreaming of her past lover...

  • 数羊 The Counting Sheep

    类型:动画, 短片

    导演:Katelyn Hagen, Michale Warren   编剧:Michale Warren, Katelyn Hagen

    主演:Adam Behr, Mack Sullivan

      Sheep #100 never gets a chance to jump because the sleeper always falls asleep before getting to him. Can he figure out a way to accomplish his lifelong dream, while still staying humble?

  • 巨石怪 The Monolith Monsters

    类型:科幻, 恐怖

    导演:John Sherwood   编剧:诺曼·乔利, 罗伯特·M·弗雷斯科

    主演:格兰特·威廉姆斯, 洛拉·奥尔布赖特, 莱斯·崔梅恩, 特雷弗·巴德特, 菲尔·哈维

      Rocks from a meteor which grow when in contact with water threaten a sleepy Southwestern desert community.

  • 烟雾世纪 Century of Smoke


    导演:Nicolas Graux   编剧:


      Laosan, a young family man, spends all his time smoking opium. For his community, lost in the heart of the Laotian jungle, opium farming is the only way to survive. But opium is also the poison that puts men to sleep and kills their desires.

  • 装饰师 The Decorator


    导演:Alexander Churchyard   编剧:


      In the sleepy town of Paintsville, USA, several young women will be terrorized by a maniac, and his paint brush.

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