
  • 狼孩 Wolfskinder

    类型:剧情, 历史

    导演:里克·奥斯特曼   编剧:里克·奥斯特曼

    主演:于尔根·福格尔, 耶迪斯·特里贝尔, Til-Niklas Theinert, Helena Phil, 莱文·利亚姆


  • 冬日肌肤 Winterskin


    导演:Charlie Steeds   编剧:Charlie Steeds

    主演:Kate Davies-Speak, Peter Cosgrove, Barrington De La Roche

      Gunned down in the snowy wilderness and desperate for shelter, Billy Cavanagh is taken in by kooky old lady Agnes, unaware that her isolated log cabin is surrounded by bloodthirsty skinless creatures hellbent on getting inside.

  • 掩蔽门限 Masking Threshold

    类型:剧情, 恐怖, 奇幻

    导演:Johannes Grenzfurthner   编剧:Johannes Grenzfurthner, Samantha Lienhard

    主演:Ethan Haslam, Johannes Grenzfurthner, Jason Scott Sadofsky


  • 超大号与超小号 Supersize Vs Superskinny


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Christian Jessen, Anna Richardson
      Documentary series in which two extreme eaters - one very overweight and the other severely underweight - swap diets in an attempt to change the way they view food and eating

  • 芬兰最有趣的人 Suomen hauskin mies

    类型:剧情, 历史, 战争

    导演:黑基·库扬帕   编剧:黑基·库扬帕 Heikki Kujanpää, Mikko Reitala

    主演:托米·艾荣恩, 韦萨·维耶里科, Jussi Nikkilä, Martti Suosalo, 亚尼·沃拉宁, Leena Pöysti


  • 浣熊皮 Coonskin

    类型:剧情, 喜剧, 动作, 动画, 犯罪

    导演:拉尔夫·巴克希   编剧:拉尔夫·巴克希

    主演:巴里·怀特, Charles Gordone, Scatman Crothers

  • 野性之肤 Wild skin

    类型:短片, 奇幻

    导演:阿丽亚娜·路易斯·塞兹   编剧:

    主演:Marilyn Castonguay, Alexis Lefebvre

      The quiet life of a young and solitary woman is disturbed when she discovers a baby python in her apartment. This mysterious presence unleashes her deepest urges and will let her express for the first time who she truly is.

  • 幻术大师:浣熊皮帽子 Jonathan Creek: The Coonskin Cap

    类型:悬疑, 犯罪

    导演:克里斯汀·杰农   编剧:大卫·伦维克

    主演:艾伦·戴维斯, 茱莉亚·莎华拉

      Jonathan and Carla investigate a serial killer who wears a Davy Crockett hat and strangles people named after flowers.

  • 逃离家园 Erskineville Kings


    导演:Alan White   编剧:Marty Denniss

    主演:Marty Denniss, Hugh Jackman, Andrew Wholley, Aaron Blabey, Joel Edgerton

      巴奇(Marty Denniss 饰)两年前不堪忍受父亲的虐待离家出走,他的哥哥威斯( Hugh Jackman 饰)则留了下来。两年后,父亲因中风死在了病床上,威斯为父亲筹划了葬礼,而巴奇也回到家乡。旧地重游,再见老友,影片以巴奇和威斯的对话为主轴,写出了一个家庭 的自白书,也让观众得以窥见悉尼下城区的一日图景。
      本片为1999年上海国际电影节展映片,剧本为饰演男主人公的Marty Denniss所作。片中对于这个破碎家庭的描写与Hugh Jackman年少时的境遇不谋而合,了解这一点后相信更多人会为片中那些自传色彩强烈的台词扼腕唏嘘。
      By CharlesChou

  • 酷儿之肤:方舟 Queerskins: ark

    类型:剧情, 短片, 同性

    导演:Illya Szilak, Cyril Tsiboulski   编剧:Illya Szilak


      Queerskins: ark is the second chapter of the Queerskins story. It continues the story of Mary-Helen-a devoutly Catholic mother who reconnects with her son, Sebastian, through his diary and her imagination. Envisioning a scene from Sebastian's diary, she imagines him alive and in love.

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