
  • 巴比伦5号:水之魂 Babylon 5: The River of Souls

    类型:剧情, 科幻

    导演:Janet Greek   编剧:J·迈克尔·斯特拉辛斯基

    主演:Jerry Doyle, 特蕾希·斯科金斯, 杰夫·康纳威

      The Soul Hunter make-up, first seen in the "Babylon 5" episode "Soul Hunter", was altered to make Martin Sheen's face more recognizable.

  • 环锯术 Trepanation

    类型:动画, 短片

    导演:Patrick Flaherty   编剧:Patrick Flaherty


      What was once familiar is now unrecognizable. All previous desires are overshadowed by the need to disappear completely.