
  • 片刻人生 Tranches de vie

    类型:喜剧, 科幻

    导演:弗朗索瓦·莱特瑞尔   编剧:格拉德·拉乌兹尔

    主演:热拉尔·朱尼奥, 米歇尔·加拉布吕, 洛朗斯·巴迪, 雅尼莫尼, 马丁·拉莫特, 吉内特·加尔桑, 雅克·迪南, 米舍利娜·布尔戴, 于贝尔·德尚, 亨利-雅克·于埃, 路易斯·雷戈, Rachel Salik, John Levis, 迭戈·阿巴坦托诺, Constantin Kotlarow, 皮埃尔·里夏尔, 卡特琳·阿尔里克, Jacques Maury, 玛丽-安娜·夏泽尔, 罗兰·吉罗, 皮埃尔·蒙迪, 丹尼尔·普雷沃, 让·鲁泽里, 劳拉·安托内利, 米歇尔·布杰纳, 让-皮埃尔·卡塞尔, 克里斯蒂昂·克拉维埃, 让-皮埃尔·达鲁森, Carole Brenner, Audrey Dana, Isabelle Duby, Annie Grégorio, Jean-Pierre Clami, 丹尼尔·朗格莱, 若西安·巴拉斯科

  • 直到树枝弯曲 Until Branches Bend


    导演:Sophie Jarvis   编剧:Sophie Jarvis

    主演:亚历山德拉·罗伯特, 格雷丝·格洛威克


  • 23rd Psalm Branch: Part I


    导演:斯坦·布拉哈格   编剧:


  • Long Branch

    类型:喜剧, 爱情, 短片

    导演:戴恩·克拉克, Linsey Stewart   编剧:戴恩·克拉克 Dane Clark, Linsey Stewart

    主演:亚历克斯·豪斯, Jenny Raven

      Lynn本来只想要一次简单的一夜情,没想到一夜情对象Gray住在离城区两个小时车途远的Long Branch地区。。。

  • 分支 Branching Paths


    导演:Anne Ferrero   编剧:Anne Ferrero


      The Japanese video game industry led the world in creativity and innovation from the 1980's to the mid-2000's, but in recent years Japanese studios have been unable to keep up with advancements in technology, with many shifting focus away from risky projects and unique gaming experiences.
      Today, there are many players around the world who long to play games like those that insp...

  • 战壕 Tranchées


    导演:Loup Bureau   编剧:


      Nowadays, a war is ripping the Eastern end of Europe, with the general indifference of the rest of the continent. In the Donbass region, near Trokhizbenka, pro-Russian separatists have been facing Ukrainian troops for years. Initial fighting quickly led to stalemate and both armies started to dig to maintain their positions, in patterns reminding World War I famous trenches. Th...

  • 帝王蟹传说 Re Granchio

    类型:剧情, 冒险

    导演:阿莱西奥·里戈·德里吉, 马泰奥·佐皮斯   编剧:阿莱西奥·里戈·德里吉, 马泰奥·佐皮斯, Tommaso Bertani, Carlo Lavagna

    主演:Enzo Cucchi, Alessandro Cicoria, 马里亚诺·阿尔塞, Darío Levy, Gabriele Silli, Maria Alexandra Lungu, Ercole Colnago, Bruno di Giovanni, Giovanni Morichelli, Renato Sterpa, Severino Sperandio, Eccelso Cassanelli, Domenico Chiozzi, Claudio Castori, Ugo Farnetti


  • 圣卓佩兹的女孩 Les branchés à Saint-Tropez


    导演:Max Pécas   编剧:

    主演:Olivia Dutron

  • 野蛮之徒 La barbarie

    类型:剧情, 惊悚

    导演:Andrew Sala   编剧:乌利塞斯·波拉, Andrew Sala

    主演:Ignacio Quesada, 马塞洛·索比奥托, Tamara Rocca, Lautaro Soto

      Nacho flees the violence of his home in Buenos Aires and looks for a home under the protection of his father, a rancher with whom he barely has a relationship. Nacho will have to fight to understand his place as a patron.

  • 墨西哥围墙 The Wall of Mexico

    类型:剧情, 喜剧

    导演:扎卡里·科特勒, 马格达莱娜·季扎克   编剧:扎卡里·科特勒

    主演:杰克逊·拉斯波恩, 埃塞·莫拉雷斯, Marisol Sacramento, Carmela Zumbado

      A wealthy Mexican family decides to build a wall around their ranch to stop townspeople from stealing their well water.

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