
  • Spuren ins Nichts - Der Dirigent Carlos Kleiber


    导演:Eric Schulz   编剧:


  • 小伤痕 Petites coupures


    导演:帕斯卡尔·博尼策尔   编剧:帕斯卡尔·博尼策尔, 埃马努埃尔·萨兰热

    主演:丹尼尔·奥特伊, 克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯, 艾曼纽·德芙, 露德温·塞尼耶, 帕斯卡·比西埃尔


  • 贞洁堡垒 El castillo de la pureza


    导演:奥图罗·利普斯坦   编剧:奥图罗·利普斯坦, 何塞·埃米利奥·帕切科

    主演:克劳迪奥·布鲁克, 丽塔·马塞多, Arturo Beristáin, 戴安娜·布拉荞, Gladys Bermejo, David Silva, 玛丽亚罗霍

      For 18 years Gabriel Lima, the father of a large family, the business man, producing anti-rodent, keeps in captivity all his family to protect them from the corrupting influence of civilization. But his project to create perfect children, whom he called Utopia, Porvenir and Voluntad, breaks down under the influence of internal contradictions and conflicts.

  • 切口 La coupure


    导演:Jean Châteauvert   编剧:

    主演:Valérie Cantin

      Two people are caught up in an all-consuming and forbidden love in this drama, the first feature from director Jean Chateuvert. Christine (Valerie Cantin) is married to Mario (Michael Kelly), a successful businessman, and is the mother of two children. However, Christine has a lover, a man she's known long before she was married -- her brother Christophe (Marc Marans). Both Chr...

  • 君吻 キミキス pure rouge


    导演:笠井贤一, 铃木洋平, 桥本敏一, 高岛大辅, 高田耕一, 浅野胜也, 北川正人, 河村智之, 石田畅   编剧:土屋理敬, 水上清资, 横谷昌宏, 伊藤美智子, 国泽真理子

    主演:原田瞳, 福山润, 樱井孝宏, 日野聪, 水岛大宙, 池泽春菜, 小清水亚美, 水桥香织, 广桥凉, 田中理惠, 能登麻美子, 野川樱, 中原麻衣, 川澄绫子

      在真田光一(日野聪 配音)的眼中,星乃结美(小清水亚美 配音)是女神一样完美的存在,她羞涩的性格和安静的个性都让他为之倾倒,但是光一明白,他和结美之间,隔着十分遥远的距离。少女水泽摩央(池泽春菜 配音)的出现打乱了光一平静的生活,这个光一曾经的青梅竹马,如今已经出落成了亭亭玉立的大姑娘,一时间,光一无法习惯。
      与此同时,光一的好友相原一辉(水岛大宙 配音)也遇到了恋爱的烦恼,当他发现无论如何也挥洒不去脑海中二见瑛理子(田中理惠 配音)的身影时,爱神的箭已经射穿了他的心房。足球少女咲野明日夏(广桥凉 配音)将这一切都看在眼里,但执拗的她无法收回对一辉的感情。在辉日南高校中,甜蜜中伴有苦涩的爱情喜剧即将上演。

  • 奥雷莉亚·史坦尼(墨尔本) Aurélia Steiner (Melbourne)


    导演:Marguerite Duras   编剧:玛格丽特·杜拉斯


      歐黑莉亞──墨爾本中,一個聲音(莒哈絲自己的)讀著一個十八歲猶太女孩寫的、沒有特定收件者的信... 畫面純然地視覺化(purement visuelle),不直接提供可資詮釋的明顯意義。信件內容隱約提及猶太人在二次世界大戰被屠殺,流亡海外的記憶...

  • 纯电影的5分钟 Cinq minutes de cinéma pur


    导演:Henri Chomette   编剧:


      An experimental avant-garde film from director Henri Chomette in which the pure elements of form are emphasized.

  • 赫斯顿的英伦盛宴 第一季 Heston's Great British Food Season 1


    导演:   编剧:


      A weird and wonderful television series purely devoted to great British delicacies.

  • 高中清洁工 Cleaners


    导演:Glenn Barit   编剧:Glenn Barit

    主演:Ianna Taguinod, Leomar Baloran, Julian Narag, Carlo Mejia, Gianne Rivera, Charisse Mabbonag, Allan Gannaban, Andrei Marquez

      Different students from a high school cleaners group each deal with different pressures of being clean and pure while also discovering that the world is dirty and superficial to begin with.

  • 请说爱 Just Say Love

    类型:剧情, 爱情, 同性

    导演:Bill Humphreys   编剧:David J. Mauriello

    主演:Matthew Jaeger, Robert Mammana

      In Just Say Love, when a relationship between two men that begins as pure sex and then becomes something more, the "straight" man flees into the safe arms of his girlfriend and newborn child.

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