
  • 我是古巴,西伯利亚猛犸 Soy Cuba, O Mamute Siberiano


    导演:Vicente Ferraz   编剧:Vicente Ferraz

    主演:奥顿·巴斯托斯, Alexander Calzatti, 菲德尔·卡斯特罗, Luz María Collazo, 米哈伊尔·卡拉托佐夫, 谢尔盖·乌鲁谢夫斯基

      This film examines the creation and exhibition of the propaganda film I Am Cuba, a Soviet/Cuban collaboration unknown in the West until the 1990s.

  • 机智的希特勒青年 Hitlerjunge Quex: Ein Film vom Opfergeist der deutschen Jugend


    导演:Hans Steinhoff   编剧:K.A. Schenzinger

    主演:Jürgen Ohlsen

      A Nazi propaganda film based upon the life and death of Hitler Youth Heini Volker, killed while distributing flyers in a Communist neighborhood.

  • 后勤女工 The Life and Times of Rosie the Riveter

    类型:纪录片, 历史, 战争

    导演:Connie Field   编剧:


      Documentary about women working in factories during WWII and resultant loss of jobs after the war. Five women tell their stories. Fascinating clips of racist, sexist propaganda of the era.

  • 泰坦尼克号 Titanic

    类型:剧情, 动作, 历史

    导演:Werner Klingler, 赫伯特·塞尔平   编剧:赫伯特·塞尔平, Walter Zerlett-Olfenius

    主演:西比·施米茨, 汉斯·尼尔森, Kirsten Heiberg

      Third Reich's Nazi propaganda epic about a heroic fictional German officer on board of the RMS Titanic. On its maiden voyage in April 1912, the supposedly unsinkable ship hits an iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean and starts to go down.

  • 兵士先生 병정님


    导演:方汉骏   编剧:西龟元贞

    主演:李锦龙, 全玉, 金一海, 金汉

      The parents of the young Korean men conscripted into the Japanese army during the second world war are proud to send their children off to battle in this propaganda film ordered by the Japanese government.

  • 皇家历史上的弥天大谎 第一季 Royal History’s Biggest Fibs With Lucy Worsley Season 1

    类型:纪录片, 历史

    导演:   编剧:


      Historian Lucy Worsley debunks popular myths and royal as well as anti-royal propaganda about key events from British royal history including the English Reformation, the attack of the Spanish Armada and Queen Anne's forgotten legacy.

  • 布科维纳—乌克兰的土地 Буковина - земля украинская


    导演:Aleksandr Dovzhenko, Yuliya Solntseva   编剧:


      Soviet propaganda film, made immediately after the accession of northern Bukovina to USSR. It is about the hard life of peasants and villagers Bukovina. Much time is dedicated to the capital district - Chernivtsi. The unique historical video-document.

  • 宣传 Propaganda


    导演:Slavko Martinov   编剧:Slavko Martinov

    主演:Eugene Chang, Susannah Kenton

      A documentary about the influences and propaganda of American visual and consumption culture on the rest of the world, as told from a North Korean perspective.

  • 彼得495 Pyotr495

    类型:科幻, 恐怖, 短片, 同性

    导演:Blake Mawson   编剧:Blake Mawson

    主演:Alex Ozerov, Alanna Bale, Juliana Semenova, Max Rositsan, Michael Levine, Grisha Pasternak, Justin Strazzanti

      Set one evening in present-day Moscow, 16 year-old Pyotr is baited by an ultra-nationalist group known for their violent abductions and attacks bolstered by Russia's LGBT propaganda law, but Pyotr has a dangerous secret.