
  • 林中恶魔 Devil in the Woods


    导演:Terence Elliott   编剧:Terence Elliott

    主演:Tim Faraday, Dani Thompson, Gemma Wilks

      4 young friends, after drifting apart due to tragedy, re-connect working on a film studies project. As time ticks on, and fractures appear, the group decide to make a film in the woods under the blood moon, but they are not alone..

  • 你们都是队长 Todos vós sodes capitáns


    导演:奥利维尔·拉克谢   编剧:Oliver Laxe

    主演:France Aline, Hicham Amidallah, Mohamed Bablouh

      A European director is making a film with children from a social center in Tangiers. Because of his methods, his relationship with the children during shooting degenerate and transform the evolution of the project.

  • 攀岩合集10 Reel Rock 10

    类型:冒险, 运动

    导演:Zachary Barr, Josh Lowell, 彼得·莫蒂默, Nick Rosen   编剧:Josh Lowell, 彼得·莫蒂默, Nick Rosen

    主演:Tommy Caldwell, Alex Honnold, Daniel Woods, Dean Potter, Kevin Jorgeson, Jimmy Webb, Mason Earle, Nik Berry

      Tommy Caldwell & Alex Honnold 穿越Fitz壮举。
      纪念Dean Potter.
      Daniel Woods sends V16.
      HorseHell攀登狂欢,两个傻蛋赢了Alex Honnold.
      The Dawn Wall project.汤米和凯文的伟大壮举。

  • 疯狂科学家 Those Fantastic Flying Fools

    类型:喜剧, 科幻

    导演:唐·夏普   编剧:儒勒·凡尔纳, Dave Freeman

    主演:Burl Ives, Troy Donahue, Gert Fröbe

      In Victorian England, an American showman uses a wealthy Frenchman's finances to build a German explosives expert's giant cannon designed to fire a people-filled project.le to the Moon, but spies and saboteurs endanger the project.

  • 移民 Migrants

    类型:科幻, 短片

    导演:Paul Chadeisson   编剧:Stéphane Beauverger

    主演:Jacob Philip

      Humanity started the process of terraforming Mars many years ago. We follow the thoughts and prayers of one of the "cleaners" who works on this titanic project.

  • 大象的记忆 Los elefantes nunca olvidan


    导演:洛伦佐·维加斯   编剧:洛伦佐·维加斯

    主演:Gonzalo Cubero, Greisy Mena, Guillermo Muñoz

      "Elephants Never Forget" is a story related to memory. In this story, irresponsible parenthood clearly demonstrates this situation, "he said beams, also wrote of this project.

  • 伟大工程巡礼:巨大挖掘机 Megastructures: Rock Eaters of Iceland


    导演:   编剧:


      In Iceland, a giant tunnel boring machine called 'Jaws' has chewed up nine miles of basalt to aid a hydroelectric project. See the rock cruncher at work as it burrows deep down.

  • 他们住在我们里面 They Live Inside Us


    导演:Michael Ballif   编剧:Michael Ballif, James Morris, Caroman Turner

    主演:James Morris, Hailey Nebeker, Stevie Dutson

      A man takes his daughter to spend Halloween in a notoriously haunted house with the hope of finding inspiration for a new writing project. He quickly realizes he is living in his own horror story.

  • 边缘系统 perimeter

    类型:动画, 短片

    导演:詹姆斯·班宁   编剧:


      One of the movies Benning created as a part of the 52 Films project. In 2015 Benning made one movie every week, 52 in total, completely based on found foutage (YouTube).