
  • 埃维安:圣餐日的游行 Evian: procession de la Fête-Dieu I


    导演:Lumière Brothers   编剧:


  • Happiness is a Journey

    类型:纪录片, 短片

    导演:Patrick Bresnan, Ivete Lucas   编剧:


      On the night before Christmas, in a warehouse, disparate workers process newspapers for delivery before heading out into the city to walk its desolate streets to reach their few and far between customers.

  • 也许,地狱是白色的 Tal vez el infierno sea blanco

    类型:纪录片, 短片

    导演:Diego A. Murillo   编剧:


      A long-lasting lockdown. The last days of a grandmother. In between, a speculative film diary: a homeland that feels distant, a grieving process altered through light.

  • 订制一个梦(台) Lamp


    导演:大卫·林奇   编剧:


      Filmmaker David Lynch goes through the process of creating a unique lamp.

  • 224公里 Km 224


    导演:安东尼奥-佩德罗·瓦康塞洛斯   编剧:Filipa Martins, 安东尼奥-佩德罗·瓦康塞洛斯

    主演:Natália Luísa, Joana Africano, Leonardo Proganó, Cátia Nunes, 安娜·克里斯蒂娜·德奥利维拉, Ana Varela, Pedro Hossi, 何塞·费达尔戈, Susana Arrais, Rui Morisson, Sérgio Godinho, Henrique Gomes, 萨尔瓦多·纳利, Lia Gama, Gabriela Terra

      Mário and Cláudia are going through a divorce process. When Cláudia accepts job in another country, situation will lead parents to reassess many of their certainties and question the effects on the happiness of their children.

  • Season

    类型:动画, 短片

    导演:Giovanna Lopalco   编剧:Giovanna Lopalco


      A group of men in white accompany a young woman in a strange procession. In this dark landscape, a biological world on perpetual motion will transform her body.

  • 英国皇家科学院圣诞讲座 Season 7


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Saiful Islam, Richard Dawkins

      Saiful Islam investigates how to generate energy, without destroying the planet in the process.

  • 英国最繁忙的机场 - 希思罗机场 第一季 Britain's Busiest Airport - Heathrow Season 1


    导演:   编剧:


      New Documentary series going behind the scenes of the airport, finding out how its infrastructure helps staff process thousands of passengers arriving from 84 different countries around the globe.

  • Golden Hour


    导演:   编剧:


      Filmmaking can sometimes be a very chaotic process. Allie is about to learn it as the director just got one last crazy idea.

  • 离婚俱乐部 Divorce Club


    导演:迈克尔·扬   编剧:Matt Alexander, 迈克尔·扬, Claude Zidi Jr., Cyrille Droux, Marie-Pierre Huster

    主演:阿尔诺·杜克雷, 弗朗索瓦-格扎维埃·德梅松, 夏洛特·加布里斯, 卡洛琳·安格鲁德, 迈克尔·扬, 奥德雷·弗勒罗

      After 5 years of marriage, Ben is still madly in love. Until the day he discovers in public that his wife is cheating on him: humiliated and dumped in the process.

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