
  • 哲学:幸福指南 Philosophy: A Guide to Happiness


    导演:Celia Lowenstein   编剧:Alain de Botton

    主演:Alain de Botton

      A self-help guide which applies the teachings of philosophers to dealing with life's everyday problems.
      24 min x 6 episodes

  • 爱无止境 Beyond Love

    类型:剧情, 同性

    导演:Silvio Nacucchi   编剧:Silvio Nacucchi

    主演:Viviana Altieri, William Angiuli, Nicola Camurri

      An Italian lesbian couple wants a child. A gay couple tries to help them. Four friends, hundreds of problems. One solution.

  • Aranyélet

    类型:剧情, 动作, 惊悚

    导演:Zsombor Dyga, Áron Mátyássy   编剧:István Tasnádi

    主演:Szabolcs Thuróczy, Eszter Ónodi, Renátó Olasz

      A corrupt businessman and family man attempts to navigate his way through increasing domestic, legal, and financial problems.

  • 远方海港 Far Harbor


    导演:约翰·赫德斯   编剧:约翰·赫德斯

    主演:詹妮弗·康纳利, 爱德华多·阿特尔顿, 丹·福特曼, 马西娅·盖伊·哈登, Andrew Lauren, 乔治·纽伯恩, 翠西·艾利斯·罗斯, 吉姆·特鲁-福斯特

      A group of seven young people spend a weekend in the home of a wealthy yuppie on Long Island and live out their problems.

  • 灵异显现 Infrared


    导演:Robert Livings, Randy Nundlall Jr.   编剧:Robert Livings, Randy Nundlall Jr.

    主演:格雷戈·赛斯特罗, Jesse Janzen, Leah Finity

      Family tensions between a brother and sister with psychic powers threaten to tear apart the filming of an episode of a paranormal reality TV show. But simmering emotions may be the least of the crew's problems...

  • 狂野少年 The Lords of Flatbush

    类型:剧情, 喜剧, 爱情

    导演:马丁·戴维森, 斯蒂芬·维罗纳   编剧:Gayle Gleckler, 马丁·戴维森, 斯蒂芬·维罗纳

    主演:佩里·金, 西尔维斯特·史泰龙, 亨利·温克勒

      A group of kids in Brooklyn form a gang. From this moment on they do everything together. This makes things easier but at the same time they have to face new problems.

  • 诱惑的艺术 La chasse à l'homme


    导演:埃德沃德·莫利纳罗   编剧:米歇尔·奥迪亚, 米歇尔·迪朗

    主演:弗朗索瓦·朵列, 凯瑟琳·德纳芙, 让-保罗·贝尔蒙多, 让-克洛德·布里亚利

      A few stories about a marriages and it's problems.

  • 木乃伊之血 Blood of the Mummy


    导演:Christine Parker   编剧:Christine Parker

    主演:Laura Bridges, Gill Hope Thornton, Lily Cabrera, Loran Bolding, Nasim, Tremayne Blair, Justin Z. Cole, Albert Guzman, Tom Gore, Bill Mulligan

      An ancient past and a lost love are the least of Louise's problems. If she can't escape the Mummy's curse everyone around her will be torn apart.