
  • 失控家族 God Only Knows


    导演:Mijke de Jong   编剧:Mijke de Jong

    主演:Marcel Musters

      On a brother with a burn-out and his two sisters. What does it mean: to care for each other? A shameless and present-day generation film.

  • Leylak

    类型:剧情, 短片

    导演:Scott Aharoni, Dennis Latos   编剧:


      In present-day Queens, a Turkish gravedigger (Nadir Saribacak) is unable to face a shattering truth and risks losing the dearest connection left in his life.

  • 拜占庭:失落的帝国 Byzantium: The Lost Empire


    导演:John Romer   编剧:


      John Romer recreates the glory and history of Byzantium. From the Hagia Sophia in present-day Istanbul to the looted treasures of the empire now located in St. Marks in Venice.

  • 彼得495 Pyotr495

    类型:科幻, 恐怖, 短片, 同性

    导演:Blake Mawson   编剧:Blake Mawson

    主演:Alex Ozerov, Alanna Bale, Juliana Semenova, Max Rositsan, Michael Levine, Grisha Pasternak, Justin Strazzanti

      Set one evening in present-day Moscow, 16 year-old Pyotr is baited by an ultra-nationalist group known for their violent abductions and attacks bolstered by Russia's LGBT propaganda law, but Pyotr has a dangerous secret.