
  • 鹿特丹: 欧洲之港 Rotterdam-Europoort

    类型:纪录片, 短片

    导演:尤里斯·伊文思   编剧:Gerrit Kouwenaar, 克里斯·马克

    主演:伊夫·蒙当, Gerrit Kouwenaar

      1966 被迫侨居国外20余年的伊文思被准予回到祖国荷兰,他决定拍摄一部反映港口城市鹿特丹的影片《鹿特丹—欧洲之港》。伊文思在影片中没有象一般纪录片那样表现鹿特丹港的繁忙景象而是以荷兰民间传说“飞翔的荷兰人”为主线,表现了一个具有叛逆性格的荷兰的形象。另外,他在祖国逗留期间荷兰文化大臣拟向伊文思颁发荣誉奖金,伊文思本人拒绝接受。
      Instructional film about the (former) biggest harbour in the world, with a hybrid format. Well known Ivens themes are revisited, like The Flying Dutchman in the fiction part of the film, who returns to the modern d...

  • 墨卡托迷踪 Zeppos - Het Mercatorspoor

    类型:动作, 爱情, 冒险

    导演:Douglas Boswell   编剧:Wouter Van Haver

    主演:内森·科宁, Britt Scholte

      When the digital native Benjamin turns 18, he inherits a box of ancient artefacts from his missing father. He gives an antique book to Slien, the girl he has his eye on, and unintentionally sets a chain reaction in motion. An old man called Zeppos is also very interested in the book which once belonged to the cartographer Mercator. Using the secret messages in Mercator's book, ...

  • 卡普尔家的儿子们 Kapoor and Sons

    类型:剧情, 喜剧, 爱情

    导演:沙昆·巴特拉   编剧:沙昆·巴特拉, 阿沙·德维特

    主演:施坦·马洛萨, 阿莉雅·布哈特, 法瓦德·可汗, 里希·卡普尔, 拉贾特·卡普尔, 拉特纳·帕塔克, 苏坎·戈尔, 桑杰·达特


  • 神秘失踪 Spoorloos

    类型:剧情, 悬疑, 惊悚, 犯罪

    导演:乔治·斯鲁依泽   编剧:蒂姆·克拉贝, 乔治·斯鲁依泽

    主演:贝尔纳-皮埃尔·多纳迪约, 吉恩·伯沃依兹, 约翰娜·特尔·斯蒂格

      雷克斯霍夫曼(伯纳德-皮亚里·唐纳狄欧 Bernard-Pierre Donnadieu 饰)和女友萨斯吉亚(约翰娜·特尔·斯蒂格 Johanna ter Steege 饰)的感情一直十分要好,一次旅行中,去买饮料的戴安娜突然失踪。人人说失踪只是戴安娜离开杰夫的借口,但这并不能阻 止杰夫追逐寻找戴安娜的脚步。
      一转眼,三年过去了。这三年里,戴安娜依旧音讯全无,杰夫寻找到的全部都只是失望。在所有人都萌生了放弃的念头之时,杰夫接到了一个名叫巴尼(Gene Bervoets 饰)的陌生男人的电话。巴尼告诉杰夫,他知道戴安娜的踪迹并愿意帮助杰夫,但有一个条件,那就是杰夫必须经历戴安娜这些年来所经历过的一切。寻人心切的杰夫接受了这个条件,同时也掉入了巴尼一手设下的圈套之中。

  • 朵丽


    导演:邹静   编剧:邹静

    主演:黄丽丽, 胡伶, 余世学, Ling Zhong, Chen Zihang

      Lili, a young mother, lives with her gambler husband in a remote part of Sichuan. Lonely and poor, she heads for the city in a bid to earn enough money to save her dying father.

  • 琼楼飞燕 The Unsinkable Molly Brown

    类型:喜剧, 爱情, 歌舞, 传记, 西部

    导演:查尔斯·沃尔特斯   编剧:海伦·多伊奇, 理查德·莫里斯


      A poor, uneducated mountain girl leaves her cabin in search of respect, a wealthy husband, and a better life.

  • 干我,干我,干我,蒂姆 Folle... folle... fólleme Tim!


    导演:佩德罗·阿莫多瓦   编剧:佩德罗·阿莫多瓦


      A poor girl works in a general store with a blind boyfriend playing guitar. He becomes famous and she also becomes blind.

  • 艳丽娇娃 Anna, quel particolare piacere


    导演:Giuliano Carnimeo   编剧:耶尔迈斯托·加斯塔尔迪, 卢西亚诺·马蒂诺

    主演:edwige fenech

      A beautiful but poor young girl finds all the money and material goods she never had when she becomes the girlfriend of a crime boss, but soon learns that there is a price to be paid for that kind of life

  • 人心 Of Human Hearts


    导演:克拉伦斯·布朗   编剧:布拉德伯里·富特, 康拉德·里克特, 霍诺尔·莫罗

    主演:沃尔特·休斯顿, 詹姆斯·斯图尔特, 比尤拉·邦蒂, 盖伊·基比, 查尔斯·科本, 约翰·卡拉丁

      Ethan Wilkins is a poor and honest man who ministers to the human soul, while his son Jason yearns to be a doctor, helping people in the earthly realm.

  • 前线:新冠大流行 Frontline: Coronavirus Pandemic (A Tale of Two Washingtons)


    导演:Brent E. Huffman, Katerina Monemvassitis, Miles O'Brien   编剧:Miles O'Brien

    主演:Jessica Savitch, Priyanka Boghani, Sarah Childress, Will Lyman, Miles O'Brien, Katie Worth

      An investigation into the government response to the coronavirus outbreak, COVID-19, and how the outbreak impacts poor children in the Midwest.
      (Season 38, Episode 17 of the PBS series Frontline.)

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