
  • 轰炸机飞行员 Der Bomberpilot


    导演:沃纳·施罗德 Werner Schroeter   编剧:沃纳·施罗德

    主演:Carla Egerer, Mascha Rabben, Magdalena Montezuma

      Dans l'Allemagne d'après-guerre, le passé, le présent et les fantasmes de trois femmes qui se produisaient dans des cabarets nazis.
      « C'est très proche du précédent, Eika Katappa, mais sans le rituel. J'avais les mêmes intentions, mais je voulais faire quelque chose de très comique avec la langue et aussi sincère avec les images. C'est un récit construit sur la logique de l'abs...

  • 空军敢死队 Luciano Serra pilota


    导演:戈弗雷多·亚历山德里尼   编剧:切萨雷·朱利奥·维奥拉, Francesco Masoero, Fulvio Palmieri

    主演:阿梅德奥·纳扎里, Germana Paolieri, Roberto Villa

  • 噩梦岛 The Slayer

    类型:悬疑, 恐怖

    导演:J.S. Cardone   编剧:

    主演:Sarah Kendall, Frederick Flynn, Carol Kottenbrook

      Siblings, Eric & his surreal artist sister Kay, her doctor husband David, her sister-in-law Brooke along with pilot Marsh become stranded on a rugged isle face off against a supernatural beast drawn to Kay who dreams of its killings

  • 展会明星 第二季 Con Man Season 2


    导演:艾伦·图代克   编剧:艾伦·图代克

    主演:艾伦·图代克, 内森·菲利安, Mindy Sterling, 卡斯帕·范·迪恩, 艾米·阿克, 诺兰·诺斯, 亨利·罗林斯, 蒂凡尼·史密斯

      Wray Nerely is a struggling actor who starred as a spaceship pilot on Spectrum, a cult classic science fiction series. He navigates the odd people and incidents he encounters along the way while learning to love the fans he has.

  • The Teckman Mystery


    导演:温迪·托伊   编剧:Francis Durbridge James Matthews

    主演:玛格丽特·莱顿, 约翰·贾斯廷, 罗兰·卡尔弗

      A biographer researching a book on a pilot who died during the test flight of a new plane falls in love with the pilot's sister. As he uncovers more about the test flight, people connected with the case begin to die.

  • 勇者无畏 Starfighter - Sie wollten den Himmel erobern

    类型:剧情, 动作

    导演:Miguel Alexandre   编剧:Dominik Frankowski, Kit Hopkins, Thilo Röscheisen

    主演:Picco von Groote, Steve Windolf, Frederick Lau, Alice Dwyer, Paula Kalenberg, Christoph Schechinger, Josephin Busch

      Young pilots of the German Air Force only want to fly the new Starfighter. But after a short time, more and more pilots crash and die - and the German government and the air force cover up these incidents.

  • 公主想飞 Princess O'Rourke

    类型:喜剧, 爱情

    导演:诺曼 卡斯纳 (Norman Krasna)   编剧:诺曼 卡斯纳 (Norman Krasna)


      A pilot falls in love with a woman he believes is heading cross country to become a maid, little suspecting that she's actually a princess.

  • 花街恶魔 The Night Strangler

    类型:悬疑, 恐怖, 犯罪

    导演:丹·柯蒂斯   编剧:理查德·麦瑟森, Jeffrey Grant Rice

    主演:达伦·麦克加文, 乔·安·普夫卢格, 西蒙·奥克兰

      Reporter Carl Kolchak is now in Seattle, Washington, trying to solve the mystery of several strangulations that recur every few years where the victims are drained of blood in this second made for TV pilot.

  • 奇迹年代 The Miraculous Year


    导演:凯瑟琳·毕格罗   编剧:约翰·洛根

    主演:埃迪·雷德梅恩, Eric West, Susan Sarandon, 李·佩斯, 弗兰克·兰格拉, 霍普·戴维斯, 莱纳斯·罗彻

      Pilot episode for a TV-series, but HBO decided in October 2010 not to go forward with the project before the pilot even aired.

  • 你的荒野求生:失忆的贝尔 You vs. Wild: Out Cold


    导演:本·西姆斯   编剧:


      Follows Bear Grylls after a plane crash in the ice ravaged mountains, where he finds himself with amnesia and tries to save himself and the pilot from the harsh winter elements.

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