
  • 残缺不全 T11 Incomplete


    导演:Suzanne Guacci   编剧:Suzanne Guacci

    主演:克里斯汀·雷顿, 扎克瑞·布斯, 凯伦·西拉斯, Katy Sullivan, Yvonne Jung, Gregory M. Brown, Lauren Russell

      A visiting home health aide and recovering alcoholic, strives to rebuild her broken life, only to have it fall apart once again when she falls in love with her young, paraplegic patient then betrays her trust.

  • 艾曼纽2000:亲密接触 Emmanuelle 2000: Emmanuelle's Intimate Encounters


    导演:罗尔夫·坎尼斯基   编剧:罗尔夫·坎尼斯基

    主演:霍莉·桑普森, 谢娜·奥勃良, Lyle Skosey, Brandy Miller, Jason Schnuit, John McCafferty, Carlos Milano, 格里芬·德鲁

      A couple has a machine that gives the paraplegic wife different degrees of mind and body control of other people, allowing her to feel the sexual pleasure that women sleeping with her husband feel. Emmanuelle joins the testing.