
  • 志愿军 Les Harkis


    导演:菲利普·福孔   编剧:


      Salah, Kaddour and other Algerians join the French army as harkis at their head, Lieutenant Pascal. The fate of the harkis seems very uncertain. Pascal opposes his hierarchy to obtain the repatriation to France of all the men of his unit.

  • Scusi, lei è favorevole o contrario?


    导演:阿尔贝托·索尔迪   编剧:阿尔贝托·索尔迪, 赛尔乔·阿米德伊, 达里奥·阿基多

    主演:Marco Tulli, 温迪·德奥利芙, 劳拉·安托内利, 雅克·赫林, 米莱拉·班斐里, 西尔瓦娜·曼加诺, 朱丽叶塔·马西纳, 阿尔贝托·索尔迪, 安妮塔·艾克伯格, 毕比·安德松, 蒂娜·奥蒙特, 宝拉·皮塔格拉, 弗兰卡·马尔齐, 马里奥·皮苏, 卡特丽娜·波拿托, 尼诺·贝索齐, Eugene Walter, Ennio Balbo

      Successful 50-year-old entrepreneur Tullio Conforti, opposed to divorce for religious reasons, is in fact separated from his wife and leads a frenetic life divided among numerous lovers.

  • 超人 Superman


    导演:Spencer Gordon Bennet, Thomas Carr   编剧:乔治·H·普林普顿, Joseph F. Poland

    主演:Kirk Alyn, Noel Neill, Tommy Bond, Carol Forman, George Meeker

      Superman comes to Earth as a child and grows up to be his home's first superhero with his first major challenge being to oppose The Spider Lady.

  • 诅咒3:卡拉布尤 Üç Harfliler 3: Karabüyü


    导演:Alper Mestçi   编剧:Alper Mestçi

    主演:Seda Oguz, 欧扎·费什特, Deniz Gündogdu, 梅廷·耶尔德勒姆, Merve Ates, Yücel Tunca, Sedat Develik, Nefise Seda Yanik, Fatma Nilgun Islamoglu, Gülsah Tütel

      Kadir is a man victimized to his mother's black magic to separate him from every woman , including his wife , that would ever think of approaching him But things went upside down as oppose to his mother's expectations.

  • 西部人 The Westerner

    类型:剧情, 爱情, 西部

    导演:威廉·惠勒   编剧:乔·斯沃林, 尼文·布施, 斯图尔特·N·雷克

    主演:汤姆·泰勒, Lucien Littlefield, 加里·库珀, 沃尔特·布伦南, 多丽丝·达文波特, 弗雷德·斯通, 弗罗斯特·塔克, 保罗·赫斯特, 齐尔·威尔斯, 莉莲·邦德, 达纳·安德鲁斯, 查尔斯·霍尔顿, 特雷弗·巴德特

      Judge Roy Bean, a self-appointed hanging judge in Vinergaroon, Texas, befriends saddle tramp Cole Harden, who opposes Bean's policy against homesteaders.

  • 与你随行 J'irai où tu iras

    类型:剧情, 喜剧

    导演:热拉尔丁·纳卡什   编剧:约安·格鲁伯, 热拉尔丁·纳卡什, 丽贝卡·兹罗托斯基

    主演:埃里克·普舒, 坎迪丝·布歇, 珍妮·贝莱, Johanne Toledano, 莱拉·贝蒂, 热拉尔丁·纳卡什, 帕特里克·坦西, 帕斯卡·艾比约, Jean-Gabriel Nordmann, 塞尔吉·艾维迪吉安, Vincent Darmuzey, Célia Pilastre, 布赖恩·马尔恰诺, 托马斯·利蒂, François Favrat

      Vali and Mina are 2 sisters who oppose everything. One is a singer dreamer and emotional. The other is a therapist, distant and rational. Their father ends up finding the perfect opportunity to bring them together and try to reconcile them

  • 卡美洛特:第一章 Kaamelott - Premier volet

    类型:喜剧, 历史, 冒险

    导演:亚历山德拉·阿斯提耶尔   编剧:亚历山德拉·阿斯提耶尔

    主演:Thomas Cousseau, Serge Papagalli, 斯汀, 弗朗索瓦·莫雷尔, Gilles Graveleau, Caroline Ferrus, Nicolas Gabion, Salwa Al Hajri, 亚历山德拉·阿斯提耶尔, 阿兰·夏巴, 热拉尔丁·纳卡什, 克里斯蒂昂·克拉维埃, 克洛维斯·科尔尼亚克, 圭洛姆·加里尼, 安东尼·德科内, Franck Pitiot, Jean-Christophe Hembert, Joëlle Sevilla, Jacques Chambon

      The sequel on the big screen to the cult series of Alexandre Astier, an offbeat version of the legend of the Knights of the Round Table. Hidden in Rome, King Arthur plans his comeback to oppose the army of his former friend Lancelot.

  • George qui?

    类型:剧情, 喜剧, 传记

    导演:Michèle Rosier   编剧:

    主演:Anne Wiazemsky, Alain Libolt, Gilles Deleuze

      This interrogation of famed 19th century French writer, proto feminist George Sand, includes discussion with the new early 1970s feminist movement and a critique of the limitations of her progressivism (she opposed the 1871 Paris Commune).