
  • 房主 The Householder

    类型:剧情, 喜剧

    导演:詹姆斯·伊沃里   编剧:鲁丝·普罗厄·贾布瓦拉

    主演:沙希·卡普尔, Leela Naidu, Durga Khote

      A young Indian newlywed finds his independent wife troublesome and seeks help and advice from his overbearing mother, a supposedly worldly wise friend, an American seeker of enlightenment and a swami.

  • 燃情追踪 Eye of the Beholder

    类型:剧情, 悬疑, 惊悚

    导演:斯蒂芬·埃利奥特   编剧:马克·贝姆, 斯蒂芬·埃利奥特

    主演:盖尔·加芬克尔, 罗素·袁, 阿尔·范德克鲁斯, 伊万·麦克格雷格, 艾什莉·贾德, 帕特里克·博金, 詹妮薇芙·布卓, K.D. 朗, 杰森·普雷斯利, 戴维·纳曼, 史蒂文·麦卡锡, 瓦拉斯塔·瓦拉纳, 吉妮·泰瑞欧, 多恩·乔丹

      默默无名的英国特工Eye(Ewan McGregor 饰)在美国花费了十多年的时间遮蔽一位女士Joanna——她被怀疑是多名凶杀案的凶手,被杀害的总是男士。Eye的妻女已经死去,但是女儿的幻觉却时时出现。Joanna与他的女儿几乎有着同样的身世——在圣诞节被父亲抛弃、孤独地长大——她还有着出众的美貌和难以言喻的魅力,她热衷乔装打扮、善于改换人名,Eye似是守护天使一般,了解她的身世和过去,还在她有难的时候挺身救护。她们的命运相处交叉,处处触碰却始终没有密切同行。 谜一样的故事,有着谜一样的结局。

  • 大卫·格德尔 David Golder


    导演:朱利安·杜维威尔   编剧:伊莱娜·内米洛夫斯基, 朱利安·杜维威尔

    主演:Nicole Yoghi, Jeanne Bernard, 哈里·博尔, Paule Andral, Jackie Monnier, 让·布拉丹, Gaston Jacquet, Jean Coquelin, 卡米耶·贝尔, Jacques Grétillat, Paul Franceschi, 莱昂·阿韦尔, Charles Dorat

  • 股东 The Shareholder

    类型:动画, 短片

    导演:Roman Davydov   编剧:Klimenti Mints

    主演:Mikhail Astangov, Aleksandr Baranov, Fedor Dimant, Yuri Filimonov, Georgi Georgiu, Yuri Khrzhanovsky, Vladimir Marenkov

      An American worker believes that owning a share in the factory where he works will give him a say in the running of the company and save him from poverty. Described in animator.ru as “a critique of ‘folk capitalism.’”

  • 悠久持有者 OAD1 Amor Primus~初恋~ UQ holder OAD1 amor primus〜初恋〜

    类型:动画, 奇幻

    导演:铃木洋平 Suzuki Youhei   编剧:赤松健 Ken Akamatsu, 安川正吾

    主演:高仓有加, 松岡由貴

      UQ HOLDER!~魔法先生ネギま!2~ コミックス第14巻OAD – UQ Holder!(OVA)
      《UQ HOLDER! 悠久持有者!》(UQ Holder!)是日本漫畫家赤松健的漫畫作品,也是《魔法老師》的衍生作品。時空背景以《魔法老師》完結80年後的近未來為主。

  • 男友 Petit Ami

    类型:剧情, 同性

    导演:Anthony Schatteman   编剧:Anthony Schatteman

    主演:Ezra Fieremans, Thomas Ryckewaert

      Jasper, a 20 something playboy with little empathy, has a date in a rather obscure motel Petit Ami with Vincent, a mysterious older man. For Jasper just another day on the job, until he discovers Vincent's secret.

  • 逃票者 Schwarzfahrer

    类型:喜剧, 短片

    导演:佩波·丹科瓦特   编剧:佩波·丹科瓦特

    主演:Zozan Atmaca, Erjin Sari, Ursula Trauvetter, Senta Moira, Paul Outlaw, Stefan Merki, 克劳斯·蒂尔斯纳, 安德里亚·卡岑伯格, Mark Tiedemann, 安德烈亚斯·施密特, Mike Traynor, Gottfried Mischke, Ursula Schlecht, Ali Atmaca

      A young black man is verbally harassed by an older woman on a streetcar, while the other passengers remain silent. He finally extracts his revenge.

  • La Piel Pulpo


    导演:Ana Cristina Barragán   编剧:Ana Cristina Barragán

    主演:Cristina Marchan

      Iris and Ariel are 14 year old twins who live with their mother and their older sister Lia on a beach filled with mollusks and reptiles. Their relationship goes beyond the limits of common intimacy.

  • 约翰·木兰尼:无线电城的俊小伙儿 John Mulaney: Kid Gorgeous at Radio City

    类型:喜剧, 脱口秀

    导演:   编剧:John Mulaney

    主演:John Mulaney

      John Mulaney relays stories from his childhood and Saturday Night Live (1975), eviscerates the value of college, and laments getting older in this comedy special. Other topics qiwan.cc include the church, his family, Trump and pedophiles abducting kids.

  • 原始的欲望 The Savage Is Loose


    导演:George C. Scott   编剧:马克斯·埃利希, 弗兰克·德·费里塔

    主演:乔治·C·斯科特, 翠施·范·德沃尔, 约翰·大卫·卡森, 李·蒙哥马利

      A husband, wife and their son are stranded on a remote island with no way off; as the son grows older, sexual tensions emerge.

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