
  • 南岸 Sul


    导演:埃德加·麦地那, Guilherme Mendonça   编剧:Edgar Medina, Guilherme Mendonça

    主演:伊沃·卡内拉斯, 阿德里亚诺·拉兹, 何塞·阿方索·皮蒙特尔, 玛佳丽达·维拉·诺瓦, 赵嘉妮, Jaime Freitas

      Inspector Humberto and his associate Alice investigating two consecutive young ladies suicide suspecting to be

  • 复仇者 The Retaliators


    导演:Bridget Smith   编剧:Darren Geare, Jeff Allen

    主演:迈克·隆巴迪, 马克·门查卡, 约瑟夫·盖特, Katie Kelly

      An upstanding pastor uncovers a dark and twisted underworld as he searches for answers surrounding his daughter's brutal murder.

  • 绿色香水 Le Parfum vert


    导演:尼古拉斯·帕里泽   编剧:尼古拉斯·帕里泽

    主演:桑德琳娜·基贝兰, 文森特·拉科斯特, 珍娜·蒂亚姆, 吕迪格·福格勒, 莱尼·西玛加

      A famous french actor is poisoned and dies right in the middle of a play. Martin, an actor friend, is soon suspected by the police while being hunted by the mysterious organization which ordered the murder.

  • 人偶的呼吸 The Doll's Breath

    类型:动画, 短片

    导演:史蒂芬·奎, 狄莫瑞·奎   编剧:史蒂芬·奎, 狄莫瑞·奎


      Horacio, a former window dresser, sets up complicated charades where women and life-sized dolls change places in a web of jealousy, betrayal and murder.

  • 间谍的灵魂 Душа шпиона

    类型:剧情, 惊悚

    导演:弗拉基米尔·博尔特科   编剧:弗拉基米尔·博尔特科, Jeremy Noble

    主演:Denis Khoroshko, Barrie Martin, Stephen McDade, 马尔科姆·麦克道威尔, 阿利安·巴克瑞, Helen Banks, 理查德·班克斯, 桑德里娜·博内尔, Elo Cinquanta, 利亚姆·坎宁安, 亚历克萨·戴维斯, Nigel Genis, Jason Grangier, John W.G. Harley, Penny Judd

      Film tells the story of a Russian spy to performing a task in London. The main character has to solve complex problems related to the very essence of the work of a spy: bribery, blackmail and even murder.

  • 杀戮天眼 Volition


    导演:Tony Dean Smith   编剧:Tony Dean Smith, 瑞安·W·史密斯

    主演:Adrian Glynn McMorran, 麦达·阿帕诺威茨, 约翰·卡西尼, Frank Cassini, 阿莱克斯·潘诺维奇, 比尔·马钱特, 布鲁·曼库马, Jason Simpson, Jaden Oehr, Drummond Macdougall

      A man afflicted with clairvoyance tries to change his fate when a series of events leads to a vision of his own imminent murder.

  • 永恒代码 Eternal Code


    导演:Harley Wallen   编剧:Harley Wallen

    主演:理查德·泰森, 丝柯·泰勒-考普顿, 比利·沃斯, 扬·伯奇, Erika Hoveland, Damien Chinappi, Angelina Danielle Cama, Vida Ghaffari, Calhoun Koenig

      Eternal life technology (transferring mind to new body) is developed by 2 companies. Resistance to the merger of the 2 companies is met with kidnapping and murder.

  • 废物之火 Trash Fire

    类型:喜剧, 爱情, 恐怖

    导演:小理查德·贝茨   编剧:小理查德·贝茨

    主演:艾德里安·格尼尔, Sibyl Gregory, 菲奥纽拉·弗拉纳根, 马修·格雷·古柏勒

      When Owen is forced to confront the past he's been running from his whole adult life, he and his girlfriend, Isabel, become entangled in a horrifying web of lies, deceit and murder.

  • 世事无常 Things Change

    类型:剧情, 喜剧, 犯罪

    导演:大卫·马梅   编剧:大卫·马梅, Shel Silverstein

    主演:唐·阿米契, Joe Mantegna, Robert Prosky

      Shoe-shiner Gino is hired to take the rap for a mafia murder. Two-bit gangster Jerry watches over Gino and gives him a weekend to remember.

  • 追踪天涯 Woman on the Run

    类型:剧情, 犯罪, 黑色电影

    导演:诺曼·福斯特   编剧:艾伦·坎贝尔, 诺曼·福斯特, Sylvia Tate

    主演:安·谢里登 Ann Sheridan

      Frank Johnson flees police after becoming an eyewitness to murder. He is pursued around scenic San Francisco by his wife, a reporter, the police, and... the real murder.r.

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