
  • 无雌雄大对决 maschi contro femmine


    导演:Fausto Brizzi   编剧:Fausto Brizzi

    主演:Luca Calvani, Alessandro Preziosi, Claudio Bisio, Daniel McVicar, Nicolas Vaporidis, Paolo Ruffini

      Walter e Monica sono una giovane coppia alle prese con il primo figlio. Come molti nella loro situazione, hanno completamente sospeso le loro interazioni sessuali. Gli amici di Walter lo incoraggiano a lanciarsi in un'avventura disimpegnata, ma Walter è un marito ligio e dice di non volerne sapere. Purtroppo il suo lavoro non lo incoraggia alla fedeltà: è allenatore di una squa...

  • 这个神圣的女孩 Cette sacrée gamine

    类型:喜剧, 爱情, 歌舞

    导演:Michel Boisrond   编剧:

    主演:Brigitte Bardot

  • 葡萄牙哀歌 Fado majeur et mineur


    导演:劳尔·鲁伊斯   编剧:劳尔·鲁伊斯

    主演:让-吕克·比多, 梅尔维尔·珀波, Ana Padrão

      Pierre, a middle-aged tourist guide, is the victim of a sudden failure : he does not recognize anything about him any longer. He goes back home and in his apartment he finds a mysterious young man who tells him he is here to avenge a young woman who has taken her own life. What share of responsibility does Pierre hold in this situation?

  • 阿明 Amine

    类型:剧情, 喜剧

    导演:Noha Choukrallah   编剧:Noha Choukrallah

    主演:Yassine Agezal, Ben Hamidou

      While his father dreams to make of Amine, a champion of apnea, Amine, 16 years, made in secret, of the synchronized swimming. Lost between the desire not to disappoint his father and the desire to become what it is really, Amine must find the courage to accept its choice.

  • 胭脂红街吉他 Carmine Street Guitars


    导演:罗恩·曼恩   编剧:莱恩·布卢姆

    主演:吉姆·贾木许, Charlie Sexton, Dave Hill, Jamie Hince, Kirk Douglas, Bill Frisell, Lenny Kaye, Nels Cline, Marc Ribot, 伊斯特·伯林特

      來自路瑞德(Lou Reed)生前御用吉他製琴師Rick Kelly。紀錄格林威治村一家時間彷彿仍停留在六十年代的手工吉他客製坊,名為「卡爾邁街吉他」與它的創辦人瑞克凱利。
      手作的溫度,巴布狄倫(Bob Dylan)、佩蒂史密斯(Patti Smith)、威爾可(Wilco)、雙殺(The Kills)等樂團吉他手爭相收藏。
      吉姆賈木許(Jim Jarmusch)、艾絲特白莉特(Eszter Balint)等跨足樂團之影人現身暢談吉他經。

  • Eminem: All Access Europe

    类型:纪录片, 音乐

    导演:John 'Quig' Quigley   编剧:



  • Ça frime chez les minettes

    类型:剧情, 情色

    导演:Jean-François Hautin, Bob Wade   编剧:

    主演:Christian Loussert, Harold Manfreid, Gianni Valone, 彼得·斯坦尼拉斯, 让-皮埃尔·阿尔芒, 芭芭拉·慕丝, Brigitte Verbecq, 茱莉亚·佩兰, Lucie Doll, Frédérique Moreau, Sophie Abelaïd, Mika Barthel, Martine Capellaro, Dominique Irissou

  • 周六夜现场 Saturday Night Live Jeff Bridges/Eminem and Lil Wayne


    导演:Danielle Kasen   编剧:Danielle Kasen

    主演:杰夫·布里吉斯, 埃米纳姆, 里尔·韦恩

      第36季第10集 圣诞节到了,你会有怎样的心愿呢?下面为你带来奥巴马和希拉里·克林顿等人的新年愿望....本期主持人Jeff Bridges,他说他上次来主持已经是1983年了,这期间他拍了好多电影,其中最为人熟知的是《谋杀大脚趾》了的the dude一角,他还邀请了他的好友来到节目现场,为大家带来圣诞歌曲。pretty cool的Cyrus Show又来了,这次女主持人又会爆出怎样的猛料?The Larry King Live的最后一期节目,Larry King会怎么和观众们告别?本期音乐嘉宾Eminem and Lil Wayne。

  • Gamines en chaleur


    导演:让·洛林, Jean-Pierre Bouyxou   编剧:

    主演:Eric Roy, Jean-Pierre Bouyxou, Jean-Jacques Renon, 让·洛林, 玛丽莲·杰斯, 芭芭拉·慕丝, Cyril Val, 凯西·斯图尔特, Dominique Irissou, Diane Dubois, 艾格尼斯·莱默西尔, André Pastis, Anne Marguet, 理查德·艾伦, 多米尼克·艾夫琳

  • Gamines expertes


    导演:Patrice Rhomm   编剧:

    主演:Dominique Aveline, Diane Dubois, Dominique Irissou, 玛丽莲·杰斯, Samantha, 凯茜·斯图尔特