
  • 苏姆伦王妃 Sumurun

    类型:剧情, 爱情, 冒险

    导演:恩斯特·刘别谦   编剧:汉斯·克雷利, 恩斯特·刘别谦

    主演:波拉·尼格丽, 保罗·威格纳, 哈利·利特克, 恩斯特·刘别谦

      The favorite slave girl of a tyrannical sheik falls in love with a cloth merchant. Meanwhile, a hunchback clown suffers unrequited love for a traveling dancer who wants to join the

  • 新网走番外地 新網走番外地


    导演:牧野正博   编剧:伊藤一, 村尾昭

    主演:高仓健, 三桥达也, 长门裕之, 山本麟一, 松尾嘉代, 水岛道太郎, 志村乔, 金子信雄, 关山耕司

      Former soldier, Suehiro Katsuji, fights violent gangs and powerful Chinese merchants
      during the post war period in Japan.

  • 自相残杀的日子 Days of Cannibalism


    导演:特宝荷·艾德金斯   编剧:特宝荷·艾德金斯


      Documentary meets genre cinema in this Western from today’s Lesotho, where modern pioneers of capitalism clash with local traditions, and aspiring Chinese merchants compete for supremacy with traditional Basotho cattle breeders.

  • 双重意识 Duvidha


    导演:马尼·考尔   编剧:

    主演:Hardan, Manohar Lalas, Ravi Menon, Raisa Padamsee, Bhola Ram, Kana Ram, Shambhudan

      Film is Based on Duvidha by Vijayadan Detha, it's about merchant's son, whose relationship with his young bride, Lachhi is thwarted by his work and a ghost who falls in love with her, resulting in the ghost soon impersonating the husband.