
  • 为时不远 Die kommenden Tage

    类型:剧情片电影, 科幻片电影

    导演:Lars Kraume   编剧:

    主演:August Diehl, Daniel Brühl, Johanna Wokalek, Bernadette Heerwagen, Susanne Lothar


  • 神的呼吸-现代瑜伽的源头之旅 Der atmende Gott


    导演:Jan Schmidt-Garre   编剧:


      A Journey to the Origins of Modern Yoga. Yoga is known to go back to God Shiva, who perfected 8,4 million postures, according to Indian tradition. Far less known is the fact that yoga is at the same time an early 20th century-creation of Indian savant T. Krishnamacharya, which is what this film is about. Krishnamacharya's life and teachings are seen through the eyes of the dire...

  • 光芒渐逝的年代 In Zeiten des abnehmenden Lichts


    导演:马蒂·格肖内克   编剧:沃尔夫冈·科尔哈泽, 欧根·鲁格

    主演:让·丹尼斯·罗默, 希尔德加德·施梅尔, 妮娜·安东诺娃, 尤·波斯, 罗纳德·库克利斯, 莎里娜·拉多姆斯基, 安吉拉·温科勒, 布鲁诺·冈茨, 亚历山大·费林, 西尔维斯特·格罗特, 皮特·布科夫斯基, 叶夫根尼娅·冬妮娜, 娜塔莉亚·别利茨基, 施特凡·格罗斯曼, 索斯藤·默滕, 索菲·普芬尼斯托夫, 加布里拉·玛利亚·施迈德


  • 暗房 Darkroom


    导演:Britt Napier   编剧:Michaelbrent Collings

    主演:凯莉·黛弗, 伊丽莎白·霍尔姆, 克里斯蒂安·坎贝尔, 吉内瓦·卡尔, 布丽特妮·欧德福特, Michael Sirow, Natalie Knepp

      Michelle takes a job recommended by her counselor that lands her trapped in a mansion with three psychotic siblings hell bent on purging Michelle of her sins.

  • 酒精的真相 The Truth about Alcohol


    导演:David Briggs   编剧:

    主演:Javid Abdelmoneim, Matt Mitchell, Gautam Mehta

      A&E doctor Javid Abdelmoneim is on a mission to find out the truth about alcohol, including why the government cut the recommended weekly limit for men by a third in January.