
  • 丛林有情狼3:伟大的狼游戏 Alpha and Omega 3: The Great Wolf Games

    类型:喜剧, 动画, 冒险

    导演:Richard Rich   编剧:Tom Kane

    主演:本·迪斯金, 凯特·希金斯, Dee Dee Greene, Lindsay Torrance, Mella Leigh, Mike Jacobs, David O. Lodge, Stuart Whitmore, Chris Smith, Rich Murphy, Julia Max

      All the alphas in the packs set aside their differences for some friendly competition. When an unexpected accident puts many of the yakubd.ccpack's star alpha wolves out of commission, a new team is assembled that includes forest friends not in the pack. Can Coach Humphrey lead his ragtag group of "underdogs" to victory?

  • project OMEGA プロジェクトΩ


    导演:河森正治   编剧:河森正治


      这一天,NHK电视台照例播送着家庭剧。突然一则紧急新闻插了进来,漂亮的女主播宣布一个可怕的事实。据美国航天总署NASA的观测,某不明飞行物体正向地球飞来,而它的坠落地点居然就在NHK大楼所在地——东京涩谷区。女主播念到这里大惊失色,与此同时,NHK高层也紧急磋商对策。在万不得已的情况下,他们启动了神秘的Project Omega。短短几分钟内,全日本的能量都注入NHK大楼,随后大楼开始变形,化身为足以媲美奥特曼的机器人。它将以这双巨大的手阻止不明物体的袭击……