
  • 暗房 Darkroom


    导演:Britt Napier   编剧:Michaelbrent Collings

    主演:凯莉·黛弗, 伊丽莎白·霍尔姆, 克里斯蒂安·坎贝尔, 吉内瓦·卡尔, 布丽特妮·欧德福特, Michael Sirow, Natalie Knepp

      Michelle takes a job recommended by her counselor that lands her trapped in a mansion with three psychotic siblings hell bent on purging Michelle of her sins.

  • 亲爱的死掉的黛莉拉 Dear Dead Delilah


    导演:约翰·法莱斯   编剧:约翰·法莱斯

    主演:阿格妮丝·摩尔海德, 威尔·吉尔, 迈克尔·安萨拉, 丹尼斯·帕特里克, Anne Meacham

      The stern matriarch of a family that lives in a creepy mansion finds that a killer is hiding in the house, searching for a $500,000 fortune rumored to be hidden there and chopping off the heads of anyone who gets in the way

  • 安娜贝勒姆:塞勒姆的诅咒 Annabellum: The Curse of Salem

    类型:悬疑, 惊悚, 恐怖

    导演:Craig Rees   编剧:Craig Rees

    主演:Liam Clarke, Andrew James Mead, Chris Millward

      In the form of an old doll a vengeful witches curse from 1692 Salem is released upon a family trapped in a historic English mansion.

  • Dead Bride

    类型:惊悚, 恐怖

    导演:Francesco Picone   编剧:Francesco Picone

    主演:Jennifer Mischiati, Christoph Hülsen, Douglas Dean

      A young couple discover dark secrets when they inherit an old mansion.

  • 宛如泡沫 Como la espuma

    类型:喜剧, 爱情, 同性

    导演:罗伯托·佩雷兹·托雷多   编剧:Alberto García, 罗伯托·佩雷兹·托雷多

    主演:米盖尔·迪奥斯达多, 玛利亚·科提艾洛, David Díaz, Daniel Muriel, 阿德里安·艾克斯波西多, Sara Sálamo, Pepe Ocio, Román Reyes, Elisa Matilla

      A message circulates from mobile phone to mobile phone. A bunch of strangers meet in a mansion. They come searching for sex, but never has an orgy been so full of love. (Or feelings?)

  • 黑猫 The Black Cat

    类型:喜剧, 悬疑, 恐怖

    导演:Albert S. Rogell   编剧:罗伯特·利斯


      Elderly Henrietta Winslow lives in an isolated mansion with her housekeeper and beloved cats. As her health fails, her greedy relatives gather in anticipation of her death.

  • 肉票不是人 Bite

    类型:动作, 恐怖, 犯罪

    导演:Alberto Sciamma   编剧:Alberto Sciamma

    主演:Vinnie Jones, Costas Mandylor, Gianni Capaldi, Drew Kenney, Elena Mirela, Grazia Leone

      Six criminals are tasked with kidnapping a young for ransom, but when they get locked inside her mansion, what they find is not what they expected.

  • Money Shot


    导演:小比尔·麦克亚当斯   编剧:小比尔·麦克亚当斯, Jessica Sonneborn

    主演:杰森·缪斯, 杰森·多灵, 小比尔·麦克亚当斯, Jessica Sonneborn, Kristina Page

      When given keys to a mansion for the weekend, two friends decide to make a film but end up throwing a huge party and trashing the house. Now they race to get the "money shot" and finish their film to pay for all the damages done.

  • 艾利克斯和杂务工 Alex and the Handyman

    类型:同性, 儿童

    导演:Nicholas Colia   编剧:Nicholas Colia

    主演:基顿·奈杰尔·库克, Silvio Canihuante, Hogan Gorman

      When Alex, a precious nine-year-old boy, develops a crush on Jared, the moody twenty-five-year-old handyman who works in the mansion where he lives, he will stop at nothing to get his attention.

  • 暗夜满月 Night of the Dark Full Moon

    类型:惊悚, 恐怖, 犯罪

    导演:Theodore Gershuny   编剧:Theodore Gershuny, 杰弗里·孔维茨

    主演:Tally Brown, Lewis Love, 坎蒂·妲玲, Harvey Cohen, 帕特里克·奥尼尔, James Patterson, 玛丽·沃伦诺夫, Astrid Heeren, 约翰·卡拉丁, 沃尔特·艾贝尔, Fran Stevens, Walter Klavun, 菲利普·布伦斯, Staats Cotsworth, Ondine

      A man inherits a mansion, which once was a mental home. He visits the place and begins to investigate some crimes that happened in old times, scaring the people living in the region.

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