
  • 浩劫 Holocaust 2000

    类型:剧情, 爱情, 科幻, 惊悚, 恐怖

    导演:阿尔伯托·德·马蒂诺   编剧:阿尔伯托·德·马蒂诺

    主演:柯克·道格拉斯, 西蒙·沃德, 艾格斯蒂娜·贝利, 安东尼·奎尔, 亚历山大·诺克斯, 弗吉尼亚·麦肯娜, 罗慕洛·瓦利, 阿道弗·切利

      An executive in charge of a Middle Eastern nuclear plant discovers that his son is the Anti Christ and sets out to stop him from using the nuclear power at his fingertips to wipe out mankind.

  • 零接触 Zero Contact


    导演:Rick Dugdale   编剧:卡姆·坎农

    主演:Lilly Krug, TJ Kayama, Michael Thomas Wallace, Angela Kostic, 安东尼·霍普金斯, 阿莱克斯·潘诺维奇, 维罗尼卡·费瑞尔, 图娃·诺沃妮, 艾德里安·霍姆斯, 鲁奇娅·伯纳德, 克里斯·布罗楚, Juliet Sorci, Martin Stenmarck, 詹姆斯·C·伯恩斯, Linda Darlow

      9 Countries. 60 minutes. One mission for all mankind.

  • Normal

    类型:动画, 短片

    导演:Julie Caty   编剧:Julie Caty

    主演:Marc Fraize

      Dany is a rich heir who faces existential emptiness. He meets Karl Marx who asks him to destroy capitalism in order to save humankind. Reluctantly, Dany accepts his request and turns into a superhero. But he is quickly overwhelmed by his task.

  • 清算日 Day of Reckoning

    类型:动作, 科幻

    导演:Joel X. Novoa   编剧:Gregory Gieras

    主演:杰克逊·赫斯特, 希瑟·麦克柯布, 杰·杰·沃伦, 哈娜·海耶斯

      Fifteen years ago evil creatures from the underworld plagued the Earth with the intent of eliminating mankind. Dubbed the Day of Reckoning by survivors of the hellish holocaust, warriors of mankind.again must battle the forces of darkness.

  • 人造天堂 Artificial Paradise, Inc.


    导演:Jean-Paul Frenay   编剧:Jean-Paul Frenay


      Somewhere in the future, a major corporation develops a unique software, based on organic virtual reality, which holds all the lost memories of humankind. A user connects to this database of the forgotten... what is he seeking?

  • 从军记 Shoulder Arms

    类型:喜剧, 战争

    导演:查理·卓别林   编剧:查理·卓别林

    主演:查理·卓别林, 希德·卓别林, 艾德娜·珀薇安丝, 洛亚尔·安德伍德, 亨利·伯格曼, 汤姆·威尔森, 艾伯特·奥斯汀, 杰克·威尔逊

      描述一名美国士兵夏尔洛在第一次世界大战时,参与壕沟战,在一场进攻德军阵营的作战中,单枪匹马成功的俘虏了13名德兵,又在大战中把德军耍的团团转,在最后的情节,他以技巧性的活捉德军前线司令(此片影射兴登堡将军),使得大战结束,并在字幕上表示“Peace on earth—good will to all mankind. 世界和平—人类将会美好”,就在他成为英雄时被众人喝采下,镜头突然一转,原来是夏尔洛还是新兵的时候,在军帐中做的一个梦罢了…。

  • 克苏鲁的应召女郎 Call Girl of Cthulhu

    类型:喜剧, 恐怖

    导演:Chris LaMartina   编剧:Jimmy George, Chris LaMartina

    主演:David Phillip Carollo, Melissa O'Brien, Nicolette le Faye

      When a virginal artist falls in love with a call girl, she turns out to be the chosen bride of the alien god Cthulhu. To save her, he must stop an ancient cult from summoning their god and destroying mankind.