
  • SCP:霸主 SCP: Overlord

    类型:科幻, 悬疑, 惊悚

    导演:Stephen Hancock   编剧:Evan Muir


      A secret NGO investigates the home of an esoteric cult on suspicion that they are more than meets the eye. [A short horror film]

  • 房东 The Landlord

    类型:喜剧, 短片

    导演:Adam McKay   编剧:亚当·麦凯, 威尔·法瑞尔

    主演:Pearl McKay, Adam McKay, Will Ferrell

      An angry landlord hassles her behind-in-rent tenant.

  • 亚特兰蒂斯战神 Warlords of Atlantis

    类型:科幻, 奇幻, 冒险

    导演:凯文·康纳   编剧:Brian Hayles

    主演:Doug McClure, Peter Gilmore, Shane Rimmer

  • 地主 The Landlord

    类型:剧情, 喜剧

    导演:哈尔·阿什贝   编剧:比尔·冈, 克里斯廷·亨特

    主演:格蕾琴·沃尔瑟, Douglas Grant, 斯坦利·格林, 奥利弗·克拉克, 博·布里奇斯, 李·格兰特, 黛安娜·桑兹, 珀尔·贝利, 沃尔特·布鲁克, 小路易斯·格赛特, Marki Bey, 梅尔·斯图尔特, 苏珊·安斯波, 罗伯特·克莱因, 威尔·马更些

      Twenty-nine year old Caucasian Elgar Enders still lives at the estate of his parents, William and Joyce Enders, and off their vast wealth with their blessing, although his ultra-conservative father hopes that some day Elgar will have some drive and make a name for himself, much as he believes his eldest son, William Jr., has done. Elgar decides finally to move out, and buys a t...

  • 机动堡垒 Warlords of the 21st Century

    类型:动作, 科幻, 冒险

    导演:哈利·柯克利斯   编剧:哈利·柯克利斯, Irving Austin, John Beech

    主演:迈克尔·贝克, Annie McEnroe, James Wainwright, 布鲁诺·劳伦斯, 约翰·贝西, Randy Powell

  • 疯狂的一日 La giornata balorda


    导演:Mauro Bolognini   编剧:阿尔贝托·莫拉维亚, 皮埃尔·保罗·帕索里尼

    主演:Jean Sorel

      "La giornata balorda" is the story of a 20-year-old youth's one-day search for a job that would spell security and decency for himself, the teenager he has not been able to marry and their three-week-old son... it was banned in Italy -- not because of sexual or anti-religious content, but because of its depiction of Italian society.

  • 魔兽世界:德拉诺之王 World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor

    类型:短片, 奇幻

    导演:Marc Messenger   编剧:

    主演:Daniel Hagen


  • 二战:未公开的秘密 Warlords


    导演:Andrew Quigley, Simon Berthon   编剧:

    主演:RON DAVID

      The wartime relationship between Winston Churchill, Franklin D Roosevelt and Charles de Gaulle

  • 大君主 Overlord

    类型:剧情, 历史, 战争

    导演:斯图尔特·库柏   编剧:Christopher Hudson, 斯图尔特·库柏

    主演:Stephen Riddle, Jack Le White, Mark Penfold, Micaela Minelli, Brian Stirner, 达维德·哈里斯, Nicholas Ball, Julie Neesam, Sam Sewell, 约翰·福兰克林·罗宾斯, 斯特拉·坦纳, Harry Shacklock, David Scheuer, Ian Liston, Lorna Lewis

    开闢了所谓的第二战场,计划代称为「大君主作战」(OPERATION OVERLORD),也有人翻成太上(皇)或统主或霸主(中国大陆翻)。其实OVERLORD是指一位英国君主。

  • 新坎特伯雷故事集 The Canterbury Tales


    导演:约翰·麦凯   编剧:Geoffrey Chaucer

    主演:妮基·阿姆卡-伯德, 切瓦特·埃加福, 因迪拉·瓦玛

      Clever adaptation of Chaucer's Canterbury to a modern setting. In Episode 1, The Miller's Tale, Nick Zakian attempts to seduce a landlord's wife with promises of a glittering singing career

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