
  • 花园精灵 Gnome Alone


    导演:彼得·莱佩尼奥蒂斯   编剧:彼得·莱佩尼奥蒂斯, Jared Micah Herman

    主演:贝姬·戈麦斯, 乔希·佩克, 乔治·洛佩兹, 帕特里克·斯坦普

      Smith Global影业买下3QU动画电影[花园精灵](Gnome Alone,暂译)发行权。[花园精灵]讲述了一位名叫克洛伊的高中女生,在花园里装饰物们的陪伴下,融入学校生活的故事。影片将于近期上映。

  • 红色小提琴 Le violon rouge

    类型:剧情, 爱情, 悬疑, 音乐

    导演:弗朗索瓦·吉拉德   编剧:Don McKellar, 弗朗索瓦·吉拉德

    主演:卡洛·切基, 让-吕克·比多, 张艾嘉, Christoph Koncz, 杰森·弗莱明, 塞缪尔·杰克逊, 陶虹, 吴珊卓

      小提琴的制造者,是十七世纪意大利的乐器大师(卡路•施齐Carlo Cecchi 饰 )。妻儿死去,难抑悲伤的他,把爱人的血涂在小提琴上,从此琴就辗转流落到了奥地利。一个练琴的小男孩为了这把琴痴迷,直至倒落在舞台上。

  • 美国人的福音:惟独基督 American Gospel: Christ Alone


    导演:Brandon Kimber   编剧:Brandon Kimber

    主演:Katherine Berger, Russell Berger, Robert M. Bowman Jr

      American Gospel explores the core question of Christianity, 'What is the gospel?' Through the distorting lens of American culture.

  • 桥梁建造的伦敦 The bridges that built london


    导演:大卫·威尔森   编剧:

    主演:Dan Cruickshank

      Dan Cruickshank explores the mysteries and secrets of the bridges that have made London what it is.

  • 杀死凯蒂 Kill Katie Malone

    类型:惊悚, 恐怖

    导演:Carlos Ramos Jr.   编剧:Mark Onspaugh

    主演:Lil J, Nick Hogan, Cassandra Jean, Sylvia Panacione, Katy Townsend, Danny Arroyo, Hana Hwang, Einat Tubi

      Ginger Matheson, Jim Duncan和Kyle通过在线交易买回一鬼魂。他们打开了买来的古董盒子想看看有啥宝贝,但是却释放了一个爱尔兰女孩的灵魂……

  • 马龙,听我说 Listen to Me Marlon

    类型:纪录片, 传记

    导演:斯蒂文·莱利   编剧:斯蒂文·莱利, 皮特·艾德盖



  • 这是属于我们的记忆 Our Memory Belongs to Us


    导演:Rami Farah, Signe Byrge Sørensen   编剧:


      The most valuable thing Yadan carries with him on his flight is a hard drive. It contains almost 13,000 videos recorded in 2011 and 2012 by him and other insurgents in Daraa, the “cradle” of the Syrian revolution. Eight years later, Yadan and two of his fellow travellers meet in a theatre in Paris to (re)confront the material. In the dialogue between the men and the images, a p...

  • 马龙·白兰度 Marlon Brando

    类型:剧情, 短片

    导演:Vincent Tilanus   编剧:Vincent Tilanus

    主演:Tijn Winters, Jetske Lieber, Gitta Fleuren

      Best friends, Cas and Naomi are graduating from high school and spend every second of their days together. Within their friendship they experience a feeling of ultimate safety. But when their future plans are seemingly different, their relationship wobbles.

  • 喝多一杯 Babalon

    类型:动画, 短片

    导演:Michal Zabka   编剧:Michal Zabka


      1999年Next Reel国际电影节获奖作品。

  • 史泰龙:弗兰克,那是 Stallone: Frank, That Is


    导演:Derek Wayne Johnson   编剧:Derek Wayne Johnson

    主演:查克·齐托, 尼克·瓦莱隆加, 弗兰基沙利文, 巴斯鲁藤, 琼·塞弗伦斯, Paul Dion Monte, Thomas Marolda, Derek Wayne Johnson, Richie Sambora, 约翰·欧兹, 达夫·麦卡根, 弗兰克·史泰龙, 杰基·史泰珑, 克里斯托弗·麦克唐纳, 斯蒂文·鲍尔, 比尔·康堤, 詹妮弗·弗拉文, Bruce Buffer, 西尔维斯特·史泰龙, 阿诺·施瓦辛格, 比利·迪·威廉姆斯, 比利·赞恩, 乔·曼特纳, 塔莉娅·夏尔, 杰拉尔多·里维拉, 丹尼·爱罗, 波特·杨, 弗兰基·阿瓦隆, 约翰·赫兹菲尔德, 吉恩·拉贝尔

      Frank Stallone has seen it all. Frank Stallone has done it all. But, who is Frank Stallone? You know the name, now discover the Grammy and Golden Globe nominated singer, songwriter, musician and actor who moxia.cc has been entertaining audiences for over fifty years, all the while living in a giant shadow.