
  • 飞天大战2 Flesh Gordon Meets the Cosmic Cheerleaders

    类型:喜剧, 科幻

    导演:Howard Ziehm   编剧:Howard Ziehm, Doug Frisby

    主演:Michael Metcalfe, Sandy Jafferay, Jayne Smith, Michael Coulter, Vince Murdocco, Robyn Kelly, Tony Travis, William Dennis Hunt, Morgan Fox, Bruce Scott, Maureen Webb, Stevie-Lyn Ray, Sharon Rowley, Blaire Kashino, Melissa Mounds


  • 啦啦队长的复仇 Revenge of the Cheerleaders

    类型:喜剧, 运动

    导演:Richard Lerner   编剧:

    主演:Jerii Woods, Rainbeaux Smith, Eddra Gale, Carl Ballantine

  • 撒旦啦啦队 Satan's Cheerleaders

    类型:喜剧, 恐怖

    导演:格雷登·克拉克   编剧:Alvin L. Fast, Greydon Clark

    主演:Joseph Carlo, Michael Donovan O'Donnell, Robin Greer, John Ireland, Yvonne De Carlo, 杰克·克鲁申, John Carradine, Sydney Chaplin, Jacqulin Cole, Kerry Sherman, Hillary Horan, Alisa Powell, Sherry Marks, Lane Caudell

      The janitor at a local high school is actually the scout for a coven of Satanists on the lookout for a virgin to sacrifice. One day he kidnaps the cheerleading squad to use for their rituals. However, unbeknownst to the devil-worshipers, one of the cheerleaders is actually a witch, and has plans of her own for the Satanists.

  • Virgin Cheerleaders in Chains


    导演:Paulo Biscaia Filho, Gary McClain Gannaway   编剧:Gary McClain Gannaway

    主演:Ariana Guerra, Elizabeth Maxwell, Mona Lee Fultz

  • 拉拉队员都死了 All Cheerleaders Die

    类型:恐怖, 奇幻

    导演:拉齐·马凯, 克里斯·赛弗森   编剧:拉齐·马凯, 克里斯·赛弗森

    主演:Sidney Allison, Charon R. Arnold, 肖伊·阿斯塔, Sam Bean, Nicholas Bloom, 汤姆·威廉姆森, 迈克尔·鲍文, Shane Bowen

      美国黑足高中,名叫麦蒂(Caitlin Stasey 饰)的女孩正为在校啦啦队担任队长的友人艾莉克丝(Felisha Cooper 饰)拍摄纪录片。艾莉克丝张扬跋扈,不可一世,与橄榄球队的明星球员特瑞(Tom Williamson 饰)打得火热,谁知她却在风光之顶惨死镜头前。在此之后,翠西(Brooke Butler 饰)接替艾莉克丝的位置站到了顶端,特瑞也成为她囊中之物。悲愤交加的决心摧毁特瑞他们这群贱人的毕业典礼,于是置办行头加入关系混乱的啦啦队,并和翠西越走越近,这让她另一位友人——举止怪异的莉娜(Sianoa Smit-McPhee 饰)颇为担忧。在某个狂欢之夜,一场似乎被诅咒的争执和意外发生。

  • 电锯啦啦 Chainsaw Cheerleaders


    导演:Donald Farmer   编剧:唐纳德·法默

    主演:Michele Grey, Jackey Hall, Chris Henshaw

  • Powertool Cheerleaders vs the Boyband of the Screeching Dead

    类型:恐怖, 歌舞

    导演:Pat Higgins   编剧:Pat Higgins

    主演:Dani Thompson, Faith Elizabeth, Charlie Bond, James Hamer-Morton

      When a cursed amulet turns their rival boy band act into a screeching gang of zombies, a group of cheerleaders must learn to use their wits, friendship and assorted power tools before a TV talent show takes a turn for the apocalyptic.

  • Creampied Cheerleaders 3

    类型:剧情, 情色

    导演:Quasarman   编剧:

    主演:安琪儿·德雷·蕾尔, 马可·伍德, Charity Bangs, 汤米·皮斯托, Courtney Shea, 威尔·鲍尔斯, 阿什丽·斯通, 德雷克·皮尔斯, Britney Young, 亚历克斯·冈斯


  • 青春啦啦队 The Cheerleaders

    类型:喜剧, 运动

    导演:Paul Glickler   编剧:Ace Baandige, Paul Glickler

    主演:Stephanie Fondue, Denise Dillaway, Richard Meatwhistle

      Jeannie, a teenage girl attending Amorosa High, joins the school cheerleading squad as a means of finally attaining the success and social independence that was out of reach in the strict household her parents maintain. The liberated attitude of her new friends becomes all the more evident when they come up with a plan to help the football team win the big game by kidnapping an...

  • 忍者舞娘 Ninja Cheerleaders


    导演:David Presley   编剧:David Presley

    主演:翠谢尔·坎纳特拉, Ginny Weirick, Maitland McConnell, 武井乔治, 迈克尔·帕尔

      艾普丽(Ginny Weirick 饰)、莫妮卡(Maitland McConnell 饰)、柯妮(Trishelle Cannatella 饰)三名艳丽的高中女生顺利从军事基地中盗取了日本刀,获得了导师山本的认可成为忍者,但她们的生活仍然像普通女孩们一样,在学校被登徒子们搭讪、参加啦啦队训练、或是为了凑齐大学的学费而去山本老师的俱乐部跳舞,并偶尔教训一下俱乐部门外喝醉的水手们。这天,三人发现老师的俱乐部遭到破坏,山本老师和他的保险柜一起失踪,经过调查,她们发现掳走老师的可能是保释出狱的犯罪头子维克多,而他的目的似乎是为了收回俱乐部,于是三名女忍者在躲避警察妨碍的同时,寻找解救山本老师的办法……

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