
  • 三兄弟的中年危机 Vincent, François, Paul... et l...autres


    导演:克洛德·索泰   编剧:让-卢·达巴迪

    主演:伊夫·蒙当, 米歇尔·皮科利, 塞尔日·雷吉亚尼, 热拉尔·德帕迪约, 斯特凡·奥德朗, 玛丽·杜布瓦, 翁贝托·奥尔西尼, 卢德米拉·米卡埃尔, 安东内拉·卢瓦尔迪, 卡特琳娜·阿莱格雷, 贝蒂·贝克尔斯

      Three friends face mid-life crises. Paul is a writer who's blocked. François has lost his ideals and practices medicine for the money; his wife grows distant, even hostile. The charming Vincent, everyone's favorite, faces bankruptcy, his mistress leaves him, and his wife, from whom he's separated, wants a divorce. The strains on the men begin to ...

  • C'era una vol...il... bordello


    导演:弗兰科·洛·卡索   编剧:


  • 激情热线 For a Good Time, Cal....


    导演:Jamie Travis   编剧:Lauren Miller, Katie Anne Naylon

    主演:艾莉·葛瑞那, Lauren Miller, 贾斯汀·朗

      由于男友查理(詹姆斯·沃克 James Wolk 饰)突然提出了分手,劳伦突然落入了无家可归的窘境。凯蒂生性无拘无束,她看中了一幢对外出租的房子,但仅凭一己之力无法承担高昂的房租,目前的情况是,她必须在短时间内找到一个符合条件的合租对象,否则就将与理想的房子失之交臂。就这样,劳伦和凯蒂成为了室友,然而,两人迥异的性格却为生活中的种种矛盾埋下了导火索。

  • Grim Prairie Tal... Hit the Trail... to Terror

    类型:恐怖, 西部

    导演:Wayne Coe   编剧:Wayne Coe

    主演:詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯, 布拉德·道里夫, 丽莎·艾科恩

  • 科德利尔的遗嘱 Le Testament du Docteur Cordelier

    类型:剧情, 科幻, 恐怖

    导演:让·雷诺阿   编剧:让·雷诺阿, 罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森

    主演:André Certes, Jean-Pierre Granval, Céline Sales, Jacqueline Morane, Ghislaine Dumont, Madeleine Marion, Didier d'Yd, Primerose Perret, Raymond Jourdan, 让-路易斯·巴劳特, 特迪·比利斯, Sylviane Margollé, Jean Bertho, 雅克·西龙, Annick Allières, Dominique Dangon, 让·托帕尔, 米歇尔·维托尔德, Micheline Gary, Jacques Dannoville

      Mr. Jol...doctor Cordel...'s l...er, is amazed to discover that his cl...t and friend l...es his possessions to a stranger, Opal...a sadistic criminal...e needs this man to prove that peopl... behavior can be adjusted at wil....

  • 汉娜蒙塔娜之万众瞩目 Hannah Montana: One in a Million


    导演:   编剧:Disney Original Channel

    主演:Miley Cyrus ... Hannah Montana / Miley Stewart

      Disney original... series to da big screen y'al....
      sonychen reviews

  • 窥视秀 第三季 Peep Show Season 3


    导演:Andrew O'Connor   编剧:Jesse Armstrong, Sam Bain

    主演:大卫·米切尔, 罗伯特·韦伯, 奥利维娅·科尔曼

      Jez's marriage to Nancy hits the skids as soon as Big Suze returns. Meanwhil...despite hitting her with several...scipl...ry issues at work, Mark takes his rel...onship with Sophie to the next l...l...th a Sunday Times MegaDeal...

  • 菲奥娜·艾波:热刃 Fiona Apple: Hot Knife

    类型:短片, 音乐

    导演:保罗·托马斯·安德森   编剧:费欧娜·艾波


      Paul...omas Anderson-directed music video for Fiona Appl... song from her widel...ccl...ed al... 'The Idl...Wheel...', featuring al...nated col...bl...-and-white and mul...l...pl...screens.

  • Who's Hungry

    类型:喜剧, 动画, 惊悚, 恐怖, 短片

    导演:David Ochs   编剧:雅各布·格林, 威廉·格林, David Ochs


      A wonderful...dark and viol... take on the Grimms story, Hansel...d Gretel...ful...f evil...anger, sel...el...t heroes, terribl...nd disgusting vil...ns, and threatening environments.

  • 雪人也有爱 Yeti:A Love Story

    类型:喜剧, 爱情, 恐怖

    导演:Adam Deyoe, Eric Gosselin   编剧:亚当·德约, 埃里克·戈瑟林, Jim Martin, Moses Roth

    主演:Adam Balivet, Rachel Berliner, Brie Bouslaugh

      Five col...e students go on a camping trip that l...s them to a horribl...ecret. With no way home after the brutal...rder of one of their friends, the group must battl...n evil...l...nd a ravenous gay yeti. But the yeti might not be so bad after al....

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