
  • 大海捞针: 张益唐与孪生素数猜想 Counting from Infinity: Yitang Zhang and the Twin Prime Conjecture


    导演:George Paul Csicsery   编剧:

    主演:张益唐, 陶哲轩

      In April 2013, a lecturer at the University of New Hampshire submitted a paper to the Annals of Mathematics. Within weeks word spread: a little-known mathematician, with no permanent job and working in complete isolation, had made an important breakthrough towards solving the Twin Prime Conjecture. Yitang Zhang's techniques for bounding the gaps between primes soon led to rapid...

  • 黎明之女 Mujeres del alba


    导演:希梅娜·蒙特马约尔·洛约   编剧:希梅娜·蒙特马约尔·洛约

    主演:亚迪拉·佩雷斯, Patricia Rojas, Valeria Torres, 安东尼奥·维纳, Yolanda Abbud L., Argeniz Aldrete, Irving Aranda, Myriam Bravo, Alan Curtis, Yoshira Escárrega, Chantall Frías, Catalina López, René Martínez, Berenice Mastretta, Shaula Ponce de León


  • 天使的游戏 Les jeux des anges

    类型:动画, 短片

    导演:瓦莱利安·博罗夫奇克   编剧:瓦莱利安·博罗夫奇克


      A bizarre, semi-abstract animated film, based around the theme of angels being processed by a nightmarish factory. It has been interpreted as an allegory of the concentration camp experience and as a portrait of the industrialisation and collectivisation of the Soviet period.

  • 爱之光 Objectos de Luz


    导演:Acácio de Almeida, Marie Carré   编剧:

    主演:Isabel Ruth, Óscar Cruz, Andreia Nunes

      The evocation of light in the cinema leads the Character of the Man of Light to ponder over it, over its essence and its multiple manifestations in a revisitation of geographical places and memories.

  • 享乐准则 Zasada przyjemnosci

    类型:悬疑, 惊悚, 犯罪

    导演:   编剧:


      Three European countries. Three post-communist cities, Odessa, Warsaw and Prague. Three young women murdered. Within days, their bodies - or parts of them - are found. Their throats have been cut. Their bodies mutilated and always missing one arm, cut off above the elbow. One thing is clear: these brutal killings are obviously connected. The three separate police departments' i...

  • 高乃依-布莱希特或罗马是我唯一怨恨的对象 Corneille-Brecht ou Rome l’unique objet de mon ressentiment


    导演:Cornelia Geiser, 让-马里·斯特劳布   编剧:贝托尔特·布莱希特, 皮埃尔·高乃依

    主演:Cornelia Geiser

      Ce sont deux courts extraits d’Horace et d’Othon de Corneille et un long extrait du Das Verhör des Lukullus de Bertolt Brecht, pièce radiophonique de 1939. C’est un règlement de comptes avec Rome et une proposition de travail sur le texte. De ce film existent trois versions qui sont trois montages différents. Les voir ensemble permet de ressentir avec plus d’acuité ce que cela peut provoquer de rendre étranger et étrange un texte, c’est-à-dire de l’arracher au proche trop proche. Jean-Marie Straub livre un « Lehrstück » sur la fameuse « distanciation » brechtienne, avec une actrice germano-française, Cornelia Geiser, qui est capable, à elle seule, de faire résonner toutes les voix de cette partition. La projection de Corneille-Brecht sera précédée de Pour Joachim Gatti, un court métrage que Jean-Marie Straub a réalisé dans le cadre du film collectif Outrage et Rébellion et suivie de la projection de Operai Contadini de Danièle Huillet et Jean-Marie Straub (2000), cf. page XXXX.

  • 巨人:福宾计划 Colossus: The Forbin Project

    类型:科幻, 惊悚

    导演:约瑟夫·萨金特   编剧:詹姆斯·布里奇斯, D.F. Jones

    主演:艾瑞克·布里登, 马里昂·罗斯, 苏珊·克拉克

      Eric Braeden stars as Dr. Charles Forbin, who has created a supercomputer named Colossus, built solely for the purpose of controlling the nuclear defenses of the Western alliance. It isn't too long after, however, that the Russians announce that they too have built a similar computer for those same purposes on their side--Guardian. And when the two machines begin sharing inform...

  • 鱼眼 Riblje Oko

    类型:动画, 恐怖, 短片

    导演:Joško Marušić   编剧:Goran Babić


      导演Joško Marušić是当今萨格勒布动画新生代的代表。这部寓言说的是正常秩序怎样失衡,在一个夜晚鱼类又怎样接管了世界。

  • project OMEGA プロジェクトΩ


    导演:河森正治   编剧:河森正治


      这一天,NHK电视台照例播送着家庭剧。突然一则紧急新闻插了进来,漂亮的女主播宣布一个可怕的事实。据美国航天总署NASA的观测,某不明飞行物体正向地球飞来,而它的坠落地点居然就在NHK大楼所在地——东京涩谷区。女主播念到这里大惊失色,与此同时,NHK高层也紧急磋商对策。在万不得已的情况下,他们启动了神秘的Project Omega。短短几分钟内,全日本的能量都注入NHK大楼,随后大楼开始变形,化身为足以媲美奥特曼的机器人。它将以这双巨大的手阻止不明物体的袭击……

  • 我的家庭在世界革命中的角色 Uloga moje porodice u svjetskoj revoluciji

    类型:剧情, 喜剧, 战争

    导演:Bahrudin 'Bato' Cengic   编剧:巴赫鲁丁·琴吉奇, Bora Cosic

    主演:Dragan Nikolic

      如果不错的话,这部影片和Dusan Makavejev的《WR:有机体的秘密》(1971)、Jovan Jovanovic的《像玫瑰一样年轻》(1971)一起是70年代前南电影黑浪潮中三部最反叛的作品。。。居然都来自1971年!~~~
      The two Marxes, Karl and Groucho, are the main sources of inspiration for this film, where the private world of the family and the national revolution of 1945 collide. Cengic's dissection of Yugoslav socialism was censored by the authorities and he worked little...