
  • 舒伯特: 伟大的爱与愁 Franz.Peter. Schubert.The Greatest Love and The Greatest Sorrow


    导演:Christopher Nupen   编剧:Christopher Nupen

    主演:Christopher Nupen

      音乐纪录片名导Christopher Nupen在1984年拍摄的作曲家舒柏特晚景纪录片,从舒柏特临死前近二十个月,为贝多芬的葬礼执火炬起,讲述他的最后时光。全片并不执着于传记生活的细节,而是试图表达出晚年舒柏特音乐创造力的精神所在。该片于当年获得捷克布拉格纪录片水晶奖。

  • 弗朗茨·舒伯特的最后三首奏鸣曲 Les trois dernières sonates de Franz Schubert


    导演:香特尔·阿克曼   编剧:

    主演:Sonia Wieder-Atherton

      Alfred Brendel, one of the greatest of all pianists, plays and reflects on Franz Schubert’s last three piano sonatas. As he points out, Schubert can’t have known that he was soon to die, so they probably do not embody the air of resignation and finality future generations have sentimentally insisted they bear. They were however long neglected, all but forgotten, and only in mor...

  • 夜与梦 Nacht und Träume


    导演:Alfred Behrens, Michael Kuball   编剧:萨缪尔·贝克特, Heinrich Joseph von Collin


      A lone man sits at a table dreaming. He dreams of singing a few bars of Schubert's lied, "Nacht und Träume." Then unseen people give him a communion cup and wipe his brow. He is shown dreaming again, then the dream repeats, only much slower