
  • 跨性夏威夷 Kumu Hina

    类型:纪录片电影, 同性片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:狄恩漢默, 喬威爾森   编剧:

    主演:李奧安德森阿卡納, 海瑪伽洛卡魯

    That is Kumu Hina, or Teacher Hina. During a mom...

  • 中国:艺术与生活 China. Die Künste - der Alltag. Eine filmische Reisebeschreibung


    导演:Ulrike Ottinger   编剧:乌尔莱克·奥汀格


      In this four and a half hour documentary or filmic tavelogue, Ulrike Ottinger tries to impart new ways of seeing a foreign culture. "In my previous films I have dealt with the themes of exoticism, minorities and their differing role behaviour within their own culture. Now I am interested in expanding this theme, in getting to know a 'real exoticism' in a foreign land and in a d...

  • 西北卫士 未定名赵婷中国西北科幻片计划


    导演:赵婷   编剧:赵婷


      She has several projects in the works, including a historical Western about Bass Reeves, a real-life nineteenth-century African American marshal in the Indian Territory; and, more surprising, a science-fiction picture set in northwestern China.

  • 炮队街的巡夜人

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:韩小磊   编剧:贾非

    主演:陈宝国, 刘毓滨


  • 武则天:中国被遗忘的皇帝 China’s Forgotten Emperor

    类型:纪录片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Rufus Sewell

      For 1300 years, Wu Zetian - China.s only female Emperor - has been remembered as a callous tyrant who brought calamity to China. But new discoveries paint a very different picture of her reign.

  • 突破:富能仁和傈僳族的故事 Breakthrough: The Story of James O. Fraser and the Lisu People


    导演:Ken Haron   编剧:Ken Haron

    主演:Stuart Simpson

      In 1908, a young English college graduate gave up a potential career and fame to serve as a missionary in the remote regions of China.

  • 连 Umbilical


    导演:Danski Tang   编剧:


      “This piece explores how my mother’s abusive marriage shaped my experiences in boarding school in China. Our shared desire for normalcy have been constantly at odds with the realities that surround us”.

  • 现代中国电影 New Chinese Cinema


    导演:汤尼·雷恩   编剧:汤尼·雷恩

    主演:郑洞天, 凌子风, 汤尼·雷恩, 陈凯歌, 张艺谋, 张泽鸣, 胡玫, 吴天明, 田壮壮, 黄建新, 张建亚, 吴贻弓, 黄健中

      Tony Rayns presents the work of the 'Fifth Generation' and other innovative filmmakers who emerged during the 1980s in China.