
  • 掘墓人的妻子 The Gravedigger’s Wife


    导演:哈达尔·艾哈迈德   编剧:哈达尔·艾哈迈德

    主演:Omar Abdi, 雅丝明·华沙美, Kadar Abdoul-Aziz Ibrahim, Samaleh Ali Obsieh

      It’s the story of gravedigger Guled and his family, who in times of misfortune, have to push themselves to the limits in order to find strength to reunite their family.

  • Leylak

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Scott Aharoni, Dennis Latos   编剧:


      In present-day Queens, a Turkish gravedigger (Nadir Saribacak) is unable to face a shattering truth and risks losing the dearest connection left in his life.

  • 午夜索魂 À Meia-Noite Levarei Sua Alma


    导演:José Mojica Marins   编剧:何塞·莫金卡·马林斯

    主演:José Mojica Marins, Magda Mei, Nivaldo Lima

      A gravedigger prowls the city in search of a female to bear him a son.
      José Mojica Marins是巴西最著名的CULT恐怖片电影大师,这是其第一部长片作品,也是其著名的Ze do Caixao系列的第一集,开创了巴西低成本独立电影的新局面。