
  • 惆怅奈何天 My reputation

    类型:剧情, 爱情

    导演:Curtis Bernhardt   编剧:Clare Jaynes, 凯瑟琳·特尼

    主演:芭芭拉·斯坦威克, 乔治·布伦特

      Tongues begin to wag when a lonely widow becomes romantically involved with a military man. Problems arise when the gossip is filtered down to her own children.

  • 美国疯狂 American Madness


    导演:弗兰克·卡普拉   编剧:罗伯特·里斯金

    主演:沃尔特·休斯顿, 帕特·奥布莱恩, 凯·约翰逊

      Socially-conscious banker Thomas Dickson faces a crisis when his protégé is wrongly accused for robbing the bank, gossip of the robbery starts a bank run, and evidence suggests Dickson's wife had an affair...all in the same day.

  • De slet van 6VWO Season 1


    导演:   编剧:


      When Sephine jumps off a tower after the school party, the whole community of Posthoorn is in shock. Her classmate Alex detests the hypocrisy of the gossiping villagers and discovers there is more to Sephine's suicide.

  • HARA ON & OFF: The Gossip


    导演:   编剧:


      出道以后一直在多样的领域中活跃的具荷拉,这次将通过以自身名字命名的单独真人秀MBC music ‘HARA ON&OFF:the gossip’来展现出道7年的偶像坦率的24岁的具荷拉的一切。
      具荷拉此次通过‘HARA ON&OFF'初次公开自己的家,为了塑造名品身材彻底的自我管理方法,还有作为艺人,因为职业的关系而经历的不为人知的创伤和泪水,还有她对此的克服方法等进行了真实的内心告白。此外,还可以看到kara的第三次日本巡演KARASIA的幕后故事。

  • 拉辛的星期一 Mondays at Racine

    类型:纪录片, 短片, 家庭

    导演:辛西娅·韦德   编剧:

    主演:Rachel Delmolfetto, Linda Hart

      Every third Monday of the month, two bold, brassy sisters open the doors of their Long Island hair salon to women diagnosed with cancer. As locks of hair fall to the floor, women gossip, giggle, weep, face their fears, and discover unexpected beauty.