
  • Janela do Inferno


    导演:Pedro Maia   编剧:


      Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.

  • 穷途末路 La fin du jour


    导演:朱利安·杜维威尔   编剧:朱利安·杜维威尔, 夏尔·斯巴克

    主演:Victor Francen, Michel Simon

      Aged penniless actors are living in a old people's home. They always talk about their past glory or failures. One day Raphael Saint-Clair comes; he has been a famous actor and had a lot of love affairs. Passions come back, and jealousies.

  • 僵尸 Zombies


    导演:巴洛吉·齐亚尼   编剧:


      A journey between hope and dystopia in a hallucinated Kinshasa, from the culture of the hair salon to futuristic solitary clubbing, from an urban parade to a dictator’s sense of glory to a modern western in the style of Takeshi Kitano.

  • 圣域 第二季 Dominion Season 2


    导演:德兰·萨拉菲安   编剧:斯科特·查尔斯·斯图瓦特, Peter Schink, Vaun Wilmott

    主演:汤姆·威斯多姆, 克里斯托弗·艾甘, 罗姗妮·麦琪, 卢克·阿伦-盖尔, 安东尼·海德, 金·英吉尔布瑞奇, 迪尔梅德·默塔, Victoria Crawford, 卡尔·伯克斯

      又使我们成为国民,作他父神的祭司。但愿荣耀、权能归给他,直到永永远远。阿们!(启示录1:6)And made us a kingdom , priests to his God and Father , to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever . Amen . ( Revelation 1:6 )

  • 仲夏夜之梦 A Midsummer Night's Dream


    导演:朱丽·泰莫   编剧:William Shakespeare

    主演:蒂娜·本科, 马克斯·凯塞拉, 乔·格里法西

      The play presents love in all its glory, warts and all: Love at first sight, innocent love, love twisted by the mind...

  • 眨眼瞬间 Begiak Hesteko Artean

    类型:纪录片, 短片

    导演:Jorge Moneo Quintana   编剧:Jorge Moneo Quintana


      Seven centuries made of stone are torn down on a single moon. Thus passes the glory of the world, in the blink of an eye.

  • 拜占庭:失落的帝国 Byzantium: The Lost Empire


    导演:John Romer   编剧:


      John Romer recreates the glory and history of Byzantium. From the Hagia Sophia in present-day Istanbul to the looted treasures of the empire now located in St. Marks in Venice.