
  • 影星玛莎·梅森 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Martha Mason, Movie Star

    类型:剧情, 悬疑, 惊悚, 犯罪

    导演:Jus Addiss   编剧:Robert C. Dennis, Raymond Mason

    主演:朱迪思·伊夫林, 罗伯特埃姆哈德特, 维顿·海沃斯

      A vain, querulous woman can't get a divorce from her husband. Luckily, he loves to garden. And he's just dug a nice big hole in the backyard.

  • 樱桃 Uogos


    导演:维陶塔斯·卡特库斯   编剧:维陶塔斯·卡特库斯


      A recently retired father invites his son to help him with the cherry picking in the garden. The father is in no hurry to finish the cherry job though, as he tries to catch up with his son. The cherries remain in the background.

  • 柏拉图恋爱 Plantonic

    类型:剧情, 爱情, 短片, 同性

    导演:Krit Komkrichwarakool   编剧:Krit Komkrichwarakool

    主演:Josh Pyman, Kenny Brain

      A unique relationship flourishes between an aspiring artist and a plant man growing in his garden.

  • 小鬼入侵 Unwelcome


    导演:乔·赖特   编剧:Mark Stay, 乔·赖特

    主演:汉娜·乔恩-卡门, 科尔姆·米尼, 道格拉斯·布斯, 杰米-李·奥唐纳

      Londoners Maya and Jamie who escape their urban nightmare to the tranquility of rural Ireland only to discover malevolent, murderous goblins lurking in the gnarled, ancient wood at the foot of their new garden.

  • 伊甸园 Éden

    类型:剧情, 短片, 同性

    导演:Fábio Freitas   编剧:Fábio Freitas

    主演:Nuno Pardal, Pedro Sousa Loureiro, Sara Barros Leitão

      Genesis 2:8. "And the Lord God planted a Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed." In this story, João and Pedro live in this garden. One of them is about to leave because someone ate the forbidden fruit.