
  • 昂贵的口味 Expensive Tastes

    类型:悬疑片电影, 伦理片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:Maria Lease   编剧:Daniel Cady

    主演:乔伊·塞尔文, Fanie Essex, Elaine Wells, Phaery Burd, 约翰·莱斯利, Eileen Welles, Ken Scudder, 约翰·希曼


  • But Toilet Paper Is Expensive


    导演:王颖   编剧:

    主演:Wan Kin Cheng, John Chan, 郑君绵, 方育平, Rocky Wing Cheung Ho, Cinda Hui, Gary Kong, 黄自强

      The spirit of independence that runs through Wang’s films finds its most audacious expression in this newly restored and remastered tale of an urban cowboy tasked with delivering a briefcase to a mob boss. The plot takes a back seat in this movie, shot on location in Hong Kong, as the unnamed protagonist encounters an array of characters from across the social spectrum. Structu...

  • 世界上最昂贵的名画 The World's Most Expensive Paintings


    导演:Russell England   编剧:阿拉斯泰尔·苏克


      Go inside the glittering world of the super-rich as art critic and journalist Alastair Sooke explores the remarkable stories behind the Top Ten Most Valuable Paintings in the World to sell at auction. The documentary tells the stories behind the astronomical prices of art and why the world's richest people want to spend their millions on it.

  • 世界上最昂贵的玩具 The World's Most Expensive Toys


    导演:   编剧:


      From rocking horses covered in over 82,000 Swarovski crystals to £25,000 doll's houses, this documentary meets the craftsmen and inventors creating toys for the children of Britain's super-rich.

  • 世界上最昂贵的食物 The World's Most Expensive Food


    导演:未知   编剧:未知



  • 世界上最昂贵的失窃名画 The World's Most Expensive Stolen Paintings


    导演:Dominic Gallagher   编剧:阿拉斯泰尔·苏克


      Art critic Alastair Sooke delves into the murky world of art theft. Despite the high stakes - and often daring - involved, many cases are shrouded in mystery and go unnoticed by the media.
      Around 47,000 works of art are reported missing each year, yet it is only the heists involving the world's most valuable paintings that hit the headlines. But high-profile or not - once gone,...

  • 世界上最奢侈的座驾 第一季 World's Most Expensive Rides Season 1


    导演:Malachi Pearson   编剧:Amy Tenowich, Martin Pearson


      豪华轿车 布拉迪威龙 身价 170-200万美元
      定制游艇 琳达小姐号 身价 2950万美元
      豪华轿车 劳斯莱斯幻影双门 身价41.5-50万美元
      豪华轿车 世爵C8 身价 23.5万美元
      旅行车 福莱纳P4XL 身价 23万美元
      豪华轿车 兰博基尼LP640 身价42.5-46万美元
      豪华轿车 阿斯顿马丁 DBS 身价 27万美元
      快艇 外部极限 46LDT 身价 120万美元
      豪华轿车 宾利雅致 身价 34-37万美元
      豪华旅行车 午夜骑士 身价 250万美元
      高速快艇 神秘C5000 身价 250万美元
      超级跑车 西尔贝疾...