
  • 暮光时分更寂静 It’s Quieter in the Twilight


    导演:Billy Miossi   编剧:

    主演:Andrea Angrum, Todd Barber, Suzanne Dodd

      In an unremarkable office space, a select group of aging engineers find themselves at the leading edge of discovery. Fighting outdated technology and time, Voyager’s flight-team pursues humankind’s greatest exploration.

  • 阳光超人 Sunshine Superman


    导演:Marah Strauch   编剧:Marah Strauch, Eric Bruggemann


      A documentary about BASE jumping, the extreme sport that dates back to the 1970s, when it was invented by engineer-filmmaker Carl Boenish.

  • 欲念 Desire

    类型:喜剧, 爱情, 犯罪

    导演:弗兰克·鲍沙其   编剧:汉斯·塞凯伊, 罗伯特·A·施特姆勒, 埃德温·贾斯特斯·迈耶, 瓦尔德马·扬, 萨莫尔·霍芬斯蒂安, 文森特·劳伦斯, 本恩·W·利维

    主演:玛琳·黛德丽, 加里·库珀, 约翰·哈利戴, 欧内斯特·科萨特, 泽菲·蒂尔伯里, 阿兰·莫布雷, 阿基姆·坦米罗夫

      Madeleine steals a string of pearls in Paris and uses US engineer Tom, who is driving on his vacation to spain, to get the pearls out of France, but getting the pearls, back from him prooves to be difficult without falling in love.

  • 应用保卫战 App

    类型:喜剧, 动作, 短片

    导演:Alexander Berman   编剧:Alexander Berman

    主演:Braden Lynch, Sara Sanderson, J.R.卡西亚, Ashley Lambert, 西拉·维克多, Brett Weinstock, Brandon Dunaway, 库珀·霍普金斯, Meredith Berg, Kylie Contreary, Tiffany Kimbrough

      Love is dumb. Now there's an app for that. A shy engineer desperately needs venture capital for his virtual wing woman app. Can he and his app seduce a heartbroken girl at a swanky LA bar to prove it works?

  • 克赛诺起源 Xenogenesis

    类型:科幻, 短片

    导演:James Cameron, Randall Frakes   编剧:詹姆斯·卡梅隆, Randall Frakes


      A woman and an engineered man are sent in a gigantic sentient starship to search space for a place to start a new life cycle. Raj decides to take a look around the ship. He comes across a gigantic robotic cleaner. Combat ensues.

  • 奶牛,奶酪和三个孩子 Kühe, Käse und 3 Kinder


    导演:Susanna Fanzun   编剧:


      The young Jon, Marchet and Braida spend the summer in the Swiss Alps. Their parents are forest engineers and the children often have to fend for themselves: with creativity and courage they deal with new challenges every day.

  • BBC 如何制造…… 第二部 BBC How to Build... Series 2


    导演:Alex Steinitz   编剧:

    主演:Gerard Fletcher

      Britain's iconic and secretive engineering companies reveal how they build the world's most amazing machines. ------------(@BBC Two)

  • 詹姆斯·梅:终极重组 第一季 James May: The Reassembler Season 1


    导演:   编剧:


      Series in which James May explores the intricacies and engineering marvels of various objects by putting them back together again from a pile of hundreds of their component parts.

  • 抱得女儿归 The Winning of Barbara Worth

    类型:剧情, 爱情, 西部

    导演:亨利·金   编剧:伦诺尔 J. 科菲, 鲁珀特·休斯, 弗朗西丝·玛丽恩, Harold Bell Wright

    主演:Bill Patton, 罗纳德·考尔曼, 维尔玛·班基, 加里·库珀, 查理斯·林恩, 保罗·麦卡利斯特, E.J. Ratcliffe, 克莱德·库克, Erwin Connelly, Ed Brady, Sammy Blum, Fred Esmelton

      While building an irrigation system for a Southwestern desert community, an engineer vies with a local cowboy for the affections of a rancher's daughter.

  • 乐在其中 第一季 Stuck in the Middle Season 1


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Malachi Barton, Nicolas Bechtel, Ariana Greenblatt, Ronni Hawk, Kayla Maisonet, 乔·尼夫斯, Jenna Ortega, Isaak Presley, 席瑞娜·文森

      Harley is an engineering whiz who uses her inventions to navigate life as the middle child in a large family of seven kids.

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