
  • 饮血恶魔 The Blood Drinkers


    导演:格拉多·列昂   编剧:Cesar Amigo, Rico Bello Omagap

    主演:罗纳德·雷米, 阿玛莉娅·富恩特斯, Eddie Fernandez

      This weird, chilling tale of vampires and the undead seeking to bring their kind back to life features the evil Marco (Ronald Remy www.yuankan.cc), an updated version of the vampiric Count Dracula, complete with cape, fangs, and clean-shaven head. Marco seeks to reanimate his long-lost love and infuse her with his victims' blood as he casts his evil spell over the inhabitants o...

  • 白爱尔兰酒鬼 White Irish Drinkers


    导演:John Gray   编剧:John Gray

    主演:史蒂芬·朗, 凯伦·阿兰, Joshua Thurston, 杰弗里·维格道尔
