
  • 花好月圆 Flower Good Moon Round


    导演:艾未未   编剧:

    主演:刘德军, 刘沙沙, 艾未未, 赵德海, 魏强, 左小祖咒, 王凯, 肖青山

      The story about two dissidents kidnapped by secret police in Beijing, and people's comments and discussion on this incident.

  • 城市混凝土 La béton dans la ville

    类型:纪录片, 短片

    导演:Eric Rohmer   编剧:

    主演:Paul Virilio, Claude Parent

      Rohmer films a discussion between Claude Parent, Paul Virilio and François Loyer about the usage of concrete in architecture.

  • 重力是我的敌人 Gravity Is My Enemy

    类型:纪录片, 短片, 传记

    导演:约翰·C·约瑟夫   编剧:

    主演:马克·希克斯, 简·斯塔西

      A look at artist Mark Hicks of Manhattan Beach, California, a quadriplegic since falling out of a tree at age 14. His work is examined, along with a discussion of his being a student at UCLA, culminating with his first gallery show in San Francisco.

  • 深入剖析汉密尔顿 Hamilton In-Depth


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:林-曼努尔·米兰达, 菲莉帕·苏, 戴维德·迪格斯

      The Undefeated Presents: Hamilton In-Depth is a roundtable discussion with 9 stars and the director

  • 吉尔莫·德尔·托罗的匹诺曹:幕后匠人 Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio: Handcarved Cinema

    类型:纪录片, 短片

    导演:吉尔莫·德尔·托罗   编剧:


      Behind the scenes discussion of animation techniques and the making of Pinocchio.

  • 《蜘蛛侠》作曲家档案:丹尼·艾夫曼 Spider-Man: Composer Profile, Danny Elfman

    类型:纪录片, 短片

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:丹尼·艾夫曼, 托比·马奎尔, 山姆·雷米

      This program includes comments from Raimi, Maguire, and Elfman. It provides a discussion of Elfman's approach to composing and he also talks about the different themes he wrote.

  • 好莱坞记者特写 第一季 Close Up with the Hollywood Reporter Season 1


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:马克·鲁弗洛, 帕梅拉·阿德龙, 莱纳斯·桑德格伦, 贾德·阿帕图, 丽兹·卡潘, 达伦·阿伦诺夫斯基, 本尼西奥·德尔·托罗, 伊丽莎白·莫斯, 艾玛·斯通, 杰森·布伦, 拉米·马雷克, 维奥拉·戴维斯, 凯特·布兰切特, 迈克尔·凯恩, 詹妮弗·劳伦斯, 保罗·吉亚玛提, 亚力克·博格, 迈克尔·摩尔, 西蒙·金伯格, 罗伯特·理查森, 乔丹·皮尔, 露丝·威尔森, 翠西·艾利斯·罗斯, 亚历克斯·吉布尼, 艾伦·索金, 塞缪尔·杰克逊, 吉娜·罗德里格兹, 瓦格纳·马拉, 艾米·舒默, 高柳政信, 艾莉森·珍妮, 梅莉莎·罗森伯格, Lacey Rose, Stephen Galloway, Matt Belloni, Stacey Wilson Hunt, 肯尼亚·巴里斯, Carolyn Giardina, Gregg Kilday, 塔拉吉·P·汉森, 杰西卡·兰格, 玛吉·吉伦哈尔, 凯特·温丝莱特, 艾米·博格, 雷德利·斯科特, 鲍比·坎纳瓦尔, 安东尼·安德森, 海伦·米伦

      'The Hollywood Reporter', in partnership with Sundance TV, holds round-table discussions with Oscar and Emmy nominees.

  • George qui?

    类型:剧情, 喜剧, 传记

    导演:Michèle Rosier   编剧:

    主演:Anne Wiazemsky, Alain Libolt, Gilles Deleuze

      This interrogation of famed 19th century French writer, proto feminist George Sand, includes discussion with the new early 1970s feminist movement and a critique of the limitations of her progressivism (she opposed the 1871 Paris Commune).