
  • 未经发现 Undiscovered

    类型:喜剧, 爱情, 音乐

    导演:Meiert Avis   编剧:

    主演:Steven Strait, Pell James, Kip Pardue, Ashlee Simpson


  • 星际旅行6:未来之城 Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

    类型:动作, 科幻, 悬疑, 惊悚

    导演:尼古拉斯·迈耶   编剧:尼古拉斯·迈耶, 丹尼·马丁·弗林

    主演:威廉·夏特纳, 伦纳德·尼莫伊, 德福雷斯特·凯利, 詹姆斯·杜汉, 沃尔特·凯尼格


  • 重新发现冥王星 Pluto Rediscovered

    类型:纪录片, 冒险

    导演:   编剧:Billie Pink


      冥王星处在太阳系的外边缘,距地球五十六亿公里。这里地处偏远,即使使用世界上最强大的哈勃太空望远镜观测,它似乎只是一个模糊的斑点。在Naked Science系列中的重新发现冥王星一集里,我们采访了研究冥王星这一神秘世界的科学家,他们生动的描绘了冥王星的可能景象,本集为关于冥王星的行星地位的争论带来新观点,同时介绍了New Horizons航天器的突破性技术,目前New Horizons航天器正进行历时15年,飞向冥王星之旅,以对该行星进行进一步探索。

  • 不为人知的迪士尼乐园 Undiscovered Walt Disney World


    导演:Tom Horn   编剧:Tom Horn


      This Travel Channel special looks at some of the lesser-known things you can do at the Walt Disney World Resort. This special is particularly fun for me, as I worked there over two years ago. My favorite part of the special was the segment on "Divequest," a program at Epcot's "The Living Seas," in which guests can swim in this giant aquarium with all the wonderful fish and inte...

  • 夺宝英雄 Undiscovered Tomb

    类型:动作, 冒险

    导演:孔祥德   编剧:向宏

    主演:王合喜, 原子鏸, 岛田阳子, 释小龙, 张晋

      吕米高(王合喜 饰)高价竞得了一尊石像,考古学家陈教授(岛田阳子 饰)向其借来了石像,研究隐藏在其中的长生不老药的谜团。陈教授派出了学生庄健(原子鏸 饰)和小敏(李昭 饰),两人前往中印边境,寻找遗失在那里的石板,途中,两人结识了当地的向导小鬼(释小龙 饰)和考古系学生张军(张晋 饰),众人结伴而行。

  • 重现凡尔赛:太阳王消失的宫殿 Versailles Rediscovered - The Sun King's Vanished Palace


    导演:Marc Jampolsky   编剧:Marc Jampolsky, Noah Morowitz

    主演:Geoffrey Finch

      Unique scanning technologies and new excavations will offer fresh insight into the world's most visited palace and the life of the Sun King.

  • 黄金吃人啦


    导演:苏夏   编剧:


      There is an old saying in China: "People die for wealth; birds die for food." When gold is discovered, people of different classes fight for it unscrupulously. Human connection, in all their forms, collapses.

  • 捉贼记 The Thief Catcher

    类型:喜剧, 短片

    导演:亨利·莱尔曼   编剧:

    主演:查理·卓别林, 福特·斯特林

      Long believed to be lost, this film was brought back from oblivion in 2010, whereupon it was discovered that it features a cameo appearance by Charles Chaplin

  • 內侍 내시


    导演:申相玉   编剧:郭一路

    主演:尹静姬, 申星一, 朴鲁植, 南宫远, 崔福岩, 金惠贞, 许长江, 都琴峰

      A nobleman sends his daughter to the king as a concubine in order to gain personal power and favors from the monarch. Her lover follows her into the palace disguised as a eunuch. They continue to meet in secret until discovered and sentenced to death.

  • Fiendish Fables


    导演:Brad Twigg   编剧:James L. Edwards, Leslie Monk, Douglas Snauffer

    主演:Jenny Jannetty, Nadia White, James Balsamo, Chris O'Brocki, Rick Jermain, Lindsay Lockhart

      Three tales centering around an evil book of fables discovered by two siblings while clearing out their deceased grandfather's estate.

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