
  • Difficult Donutt


    导演:Trevon Jakaar Coleman   编剧:Trevon Jakaar Coleman


      A film about memory, collective and personal, and navigating surrogate spaces.

  • 肮脏,困难,危险 Dirty, Difficult, Dangerous


    导演:维桑·沙拉夫   编剧:维桑·沙拉夫, Hala Dabaji, 玛里埃特·黛塞尔

    主演:Ziad Jallad, 达丽娜·奥乔迪, Clara Couturet

      Ahmed, a Syrian refugee who had hoped to find love with Mehdia, an Ethiopian cleaning lady, but it seems impossible in Beirut - Will this pair of sentimental refugees successfully find the path towards freedom.

  • 难处之人 第一季 Difficult People Season 1


    导演:杰弗里·沃克   编剧:Jake Fogelnest, Scott King, Julie Klausner

    主演:詹姆斯·乌尔班尼亚克, 安德列·马丁, 加布蕾·丝迪贝, 内森·科德里, 比利·艾希纳, 科尔·埃斯科拉, Robert Cuthill, 特雷西·齐默, 罗莎娜·斯科托

      Life is really tough for Julie and Billy, two 30-something aspiring comics living and working in New York City. While their friends and acquaintances move on to find success and love, they continue to struggle with careers and relationships, getting more bitter by the day.

  • 难处之人 第三季 Difficult People Season 3


    导演:杰弗里·沃克   编剧:Julie Klausner

    主演:刘玉玲, 比利·艾希纳, 约翰·赵, 詹姆斯·乌尔班尼亚克, 科尔·埃斯科拉, 安德列·马丁, 加布蕾·丝迪贝, 德里克·巴斯金, 斯托卡特·詹宁, 韦恩·费德曼, 拉里·威尔莫, 丹尼·爱罗

      在第三季中,Julie和Billy仍然是彼此最好的朋友……但也是彼此最糟糕的敌人。Julie试图让自己变得快乐,但如果她提高抗抑郁药的剂量,她的血液将变成「思乐冰」。为了战胜潜在的疾病,她决定更换思路,从冥想到死藤水(用南美一种藤本植物的根泡制而成有致幻作用的饮料)她都愿意尝试。与此同时,Billy在纽约越来越烦……直到他遇见人生中第一个真正的男友(John Cho)。Marilyn签下一个出书协议。Arthur被迫在佛州朱庇特岛的伯特-雷诺兹晚餐剧院和家之间往返奔波……因为PBS电视网将所有节目的制作都搬到那里。刘玉玲本季扮演道德腐化、品位低下、但事业非常成功的强势女性Veronica。作为一个图书编辑,她给了Marilyn一个出版新书的机会。John Cho扮演Billy人生中第一个真正的(同性恋)男友Todd。by:yakubd.cc

  • 难处之人 第二季 Difficult People Season 2


    导演:杰弗里·沃克   编剧:Jake Fogelnest, Julie Klausner, Alex Scordelis

    主演:内森·连恩, Julie Klausner, 比利·艾希纳, 詹姆斯·乌尔班尼亚克, 安德列·马丁, 蒂娜·菲, 约翰·木兰尼, 桑德拉·伯恩哈德, 科尔·埃斯科拉, 加布蕾·丝迪贝, Derrick Baskin, 梅根·希尔提


  • 深入社交网络:Facebook困难的一年 Inside the Social Network: Facebook's Difficult Year


    导演:   编剧:


      Facebook is a company that has grown from nothing to be worth half a trillion dollars in just 15 years. Today nearly a third of all humans are using it, and yet we rarely get to see the people actually in charge of the biggest social network in the world.
      The company has suffered a series of deepening scandals and intense media scrutiny. In 2018, their mission - to connect ever...

  • Agronominon


    导演:Jacob Green   编剧:Jacob Green

    主演:Jacob Green

      In a not-too-distant future, the last remaining man tries to find a cure for the disease that wiped out humanity and start a new form of life. But a disease of his own is making his task difficult.

  • 新费雪小姐探案集 第二季 Ms Fisher's Modern Murder Mysteries Season 2

    类型:喜剧片电影, 悬疑片电影

    导演:Kevin Carlin   编剧:Deb Cox, Matt Kazacos, Fiona Eagger

    主演:Ivan Bradara, Brian Lipson, Jenny Seedsman, Jayden 'Mozzie' Irving, Nicholas Bell, 杰拉尔丁·黑克威尔, 乔尔·杰克逊, Louisa Mignone, Greg Stone, Toby Truslove, Catherine McClements, Michala Banas, 许明珠, Bert LaBonté, Tom Royce-Hampton, Madeline Davies

      An architect and his lover are found dead after a party; Peregrine and James retrace the partygoers' movements, but it's proving difficult.by:www.2kyb.com